Chapter 1'939

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After a few minutes, Jake finished drying my hair and brushing all the knots out. So he asked, how would you like your hair today my love.

I don't really know, maybe just something to keep it out of my face I said. I can work with that, he said thinking before he started doing something.

After a few minutes he stopped and asked, how's that baby. I like it, nice job babe I said looking at the little half up style that he did.

Good, then I am done Jake said grabbing the hairspray. I covered Abby's face so she wouldn't get all sticky.

While Jake sprayed my hair so it wouldn't look too crazy by the end of the day. One down, one more to go he said chuckling at Abby's bed head.

How would you like your hair today princess I asked her. She thought about it for a moment, then said like you mama.

Just like mama, what a surprise Jake said chuckling. It never gets any less cute does it I said smiling.

Never, I'll miss the days where I have to do the same hairstyle twice Jake said smiling, spraying Abby's hair with some detangle spray.

Same I said smiling, kissing Abby's cheeks. Mama she squealed giggling. Did that tickle I said chuckling. Uh huh she said giggling.

Oh, I'm sorry I said tickling her belly. Mama she squealed giggling. My goofy girl's Jake said chuckling.

Mama abby said playing with her nose. I know baby, I said as Jake pasted me a tissue. I helped Abby blow her runny nose, and threw the dirty tissue away. How's that I asked her.

Better mama she said happy. That's good I said rubbing her little back. She's getting really good at letting us know when she needs some help Jake said.

I know, our little smarty pants is very aware aren't you I said to Abby. Uh huh she said shaking her head yes.

What happened here Jake asked confused. What I asked. This he said showing me a big knot on her hair. I don't know, baby do you know how they knot got in your hair I asked Abby.

No mama she said. Maybe it's just from her sleeping then, but it's pretty big Jake said. To be fair, she did roll around a lot last night I said. True Jake said brushing it out, being as gentle as he could doing it.

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