Chapter 1'935

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The pumpkin pancakes have flaxseeds, gluten free all purpose flour, cane sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, sea salt, puréed pumpkin, coconut milk, coconut oil and some vanilla extract.

And as for the toppings, our options were coconut milk whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, powdered sugar, maple syrup and chocolate sauce.

For toppings Abby requested whipped cream, some berries and she really wanted some chocolate sauce.

I gave her just a little bit so it wasn't too much for her right now, but she was happy. And it meant she would likely eat the whole thing, which is all I actually cared about.

I on the other hand decided to just do a little whipped cream and some berries. Five minutes into us stuffing our faces, and our plates were pretty much clean.

Would anybody like seconds Eddie asked. Yes sir, all of us said. He got up and dished out another 2 pancakes to each of us.

Once we all had more pancakes, we added what toppings we wanted and continued to eat. Abby wanted basically the same, but was very insistent on have more chocolate sauce this time.

I gave her a little more than before and she immediately went to town eating. I think a certain little lady is enjoying herself Shannon said chuckling.

No kidding Paris said chuckling. Is that good Abby Jake asked her. Yummy dada Abby said giggling.

That's good I said chuckling. We finished our second lot of pancakes pretty quickly, and we're all full. I can't eat anymore Riley said chuckling.

Me neither Joey said, accidentally burping. Excuse you dad said chuckling. Sorry she said chuckling. It's ok Eddie said chuckling. Is everyone done eating mom asked.

Yes we all said. In that case, everyone help clean up Dianna said. Yes ma'am we all said getting up and going to put our dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

While everyone cleaned up any mess that was made while eating, I went over to Abby who was busy licking her hands clean from chocolate.

Ok my little chocolate monster, let's get you cleaned up I said scooping her up and bringing her over to the sink.

While we walked over, she was making an effort to lick clean any chocolate she could. Wow, looks like someone had fun Ceci said chuckling.

No kidding I said chuckling turning on the tap. I washed Abby's hands first and then worked on cleaning her face.

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