Chapter 1'853

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I'll take these swabs to the lap and hopefully we will have answers in about half an hour Nathan said. Ok Jake said. He walked out, and left us alone in the room.

Mama Abby said. Yes baby girl I said. I'm thirsty she said. Your thirsty, would you like some water I asked her.

Yes please mama she said. Ok, I'll get you some water I said, grabbing her water bottle out of the diaper bag. Here you go princess I said passing it over to her.

Thank you mama she said taking it, and having a big drink. Our brave little princess, you have made dada very proud today Jake said kissing her cheeks.

How she asked confused. By letting uncle Nathan check you over, I know that can be a little scary Jake said.

It's not scary dada Abby said. Oh, little miss brave are we I said chuckling, tickling her belly. Mama she squealed giggling. Cheeky Jake said chuckling.

Mama no pokies Abby asked me. No baby, I don't think you will have any pokies today I said. Ok she said. That's what we don't like do we Abby Jake asked her.

No dada she said shaking her head no. It's ok to not like Pokies baby, mama doesn't even like pokies I said.

Neither does dada, but we are big and brave just like you Jake said kissing her cheeks. I just like you mama she asked. Yeah baby, you are just like mama I said kissing her other cheeks.

She started to cough a little bit, and my mama heart hurt. You ok baby I asked. She shook her little head no, and I could see her struggling a little.

Hey baby, look at mama I said. Can you try and take a deep breath like this baby I said showing her. She did her best, and after a couple of deep breaths her coughing calmed down.

There we go, have a sip of water Jake said offering her some. She took a sip, and I could see her feeling better.

Did you have a little tickle in your throat baby I asked. Uh huh she said shaking her head yes. I'm sorry baby, we'll get you feeling better soon I said stroking her back.

I know mama she said. After about 25 minutes of waiting, the door open and Nathan came back in the room. Done already Jake asked. Yeah, lucky it's a slow morning in the lap Nathan said.

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