Chapter 1'965

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I have a head and tail but no arms or legs, what am I Shannon said reading it. Heads and tail, but no arms or legs dad said thinking. A coin Kelli and Madison said at the same time.

Yes girls, everyone spread out and look Dianna said. Yes ma'am we all said doing it. Momma Auggie said tapping Topanga's leg. Get it augs she said. You found it Cory asked.

He did she said in response. What does it say Auggie Riley asked him. What repeats your words but isn't an echo he read, with a little help from Topanga. A parrot Jake said.

That explains the stuff parrot over there Eddie said. Not even gonna ask I said. I got this Jake said, grabbing the clue out of the cage. What does it say I asked.

Let's see, it says I get dirty when I become white he said. Interesting Zay said. Surely that means the blackboard Demi said pointing at the far wall.

Let's find out, Paris said going over and looking. After a few minutes she yelled, found it. Bring it over girl Kelli said chuckling. Ok, it says I have a spine but no bones she said reading it.

That sounds like a book Riley said. Look, over here this one's out of place Lucas said grabbing it. Open it dude farkle said.

Ok, my keys make a sound and sometimes I can be very loud Lucas said, reading it. Keys but not actual keys Dianna said thinking.

It can't be computer keys, so maybe piano keys Demi said going over to the one in the wall. There's nothing here Dallas said helping her look.

Wait, try playing it Topanga said. Good idea, Demi said and hit a few keys. Suddenly a card flew out of the top.

Oh geez I said chuckling. That's new Cory said chuckling. Let's see what we got Eddie said picking it up off the floor.

I can smash scissors, but paper will cover me. Who am I? Eddie said. Rock Maddison said. But where Joey said looking around. Auggie wondered by one of the walls and pushing something.

Uh oh, something is happening jack said. Look over here, another door opened up Jake said. Let's go Topanga said and we all started walking through it.

Obviously making sure we had all our things. Well, this room looks interesting Sarah said.
Here's the first clue, Topanga said grabbing it.

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