Chapter 1'854

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Did the test come back showing anything I asked. It's nothing serious, I tested for all the bad things and it's definitely just a little head cold Nathan said.

Ok, so what's the plan Jake asked. Since she's not too bad, I think little miss Abby will be just fine with some toddler Tylenol Nathan said. Got it I said.

Just monitor her temperature every few hours, keep her hydrated and let her rest if she wants to Nathan said. Understood Nathan Jake said.

If she doesn't get better in a couple days do we come back I asked. Yes, if she's not feeling better by let's say Monday since it's Friday, bring her back in and we'll check again Nathan said.

Got it, thanks Nathan I said. Not a problem, now little lady would you like a prize for being so brave Nathan asked her.

Yeah Abby squealed excitedly. You got it he said chuckling, opening the cupboard behind him and grabbing a few tubs out. Ok princess, you get to pick a sticker, a toy and a lollipop Nathan said.

Cool Abby said excited as he put them in front of her. Please tell me they are sugar free I said chuckling.

Not completely but it's honey and some flavouring so there not horribly bad Nathan said chuckling. She's happy that's all that matters right Abby I asked.

Yeah she said giggling. When she had her prizes, Nathan put all the tubs away. Dada Help, Abby said passing her lollipop to him. I got it baby Jake said opening it up for her.

There you go baby he said. Thank you dada Abby said as she put it in her mouth. Ok, you guys are free to go and I hope you feel better soon Abby Nathan said.

Thank you uncle Nathan Abby said. You're very welcome princess he said. I picked Abby up off the exam table and sat her on my hip. Ok, let's go Jake said grabbing the diaper bag and we started walking out of the room.

Bye guys Nathan said. Bye Nathan, thank you I said. You're welcome he said. Bye, bye Abby said waving at him. Bye, Bye you be good Nathan said chuckling as he walked us out.

I'm sure she will be won't you Abby Jake said chuckling. Yeah she said giggling. Still as cheeky as ever he said chuckling.

Always I said chuckling as we made it back into the waiting area. See you guys later Nathan said. Bye me and Jake said as we walked out of the office.

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