Chapter 1'899

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Ok, now that we are finished cleaning what should we do dad asked. First we should put the vacuum away Dallas said. And the mop Madison said.

Is the power back on yet Kelli asked. I don't know, let's find out dad said flipping one of the light switches. I take that as a no Eddie said when it didn't turn on.

Let's get this stuff put away, then figure out how to keep ourselves occupied Dianna said. Yes ma'am we all said, and a few people helped put both the mop and vacuum away.

Mama Abby said getting Mayas attention. Yes baby she said. I gotta go potty Abby said. You gotta go potty Maya asked, checking.

Yeah Abby said. Ok, let's go baby maya said taking her into the bathroom. Anyone have an idea of what we can do Shannon asked.

How about we go outside, you kids can run around in the backyard since it's not raining Eddie said. Yeah we all said excited.

It's better than being stuck inside all day long Dianna said. Go get your shoes on mom said. Ok we all said running to our rooms.

Both Joey and I put on the first shoes we found, then came back out to the hallway. Everyone start walking towards the kitchen, there's too many people in this hallway dad said.

Yes sir we all said walking out like we were told. Eddie open the back door, and let us all out into the backyard. It took a few minutes for everyone to come out, but soon enough we all were.

Everyone put on sunscreen mom said. Do we have to Sarah whined. It's either that or sunburn Dianna said. Fine she said, as we all started putting some on.

While we did that, maya finally came out from the bathroom with Abby. What are we doing out here she asked. Spending some time in the sun, since there's still no power this is the next best thing dad said.

Fair enough she said understanding. Here, put on some sunscreen mom said giving Maya one of the sunscreen bottles. Yes ma'am, come here little miss Maya, doing Abby first.

After a few minutes Maya finished and Abby asked, can I go play now mama. Yes you can go play, but stay where we can see you ok Maya said to her. Yes mama Abby said running over to Auggie.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now