Chapter 1'957

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Mama she said excited. Yes baby Maya said. Dada found lamb Abby said excited. I see, did you say thank you dada Maya said scooping her up.

Uh huh Abby said shaking her head yes. Dada was happy to help Jake said, sitting down in his chair.

Riley, how's your knee from yesterday Paris asked. It's ok, apart from looking a little gross I said showing it.

That looks nasty, you really did some damage jack said. Right, that's what I said Joey said chuckling.

I think you should put another bandage on, just so it doesn't get infected while we're out Dianna said grabbing one.

If you say so I said. I do say so, she said tossing it at me. Wait, maybe you should clean it first Dallas said.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea I said. Here, Eddie said tossing a wet rag at my head. Uh ow I said chuckling.

Right in the head Demi said chuckling. What happened mom asked coming back in with the tampons.

Eddie just smacked your child in the head with a wet rag Shannon said chuckling. Oh that's why you're wet she said chuckling.

It smacked me right in the forehead, I didn't exactly have time to react I said chuckling. True Maya said chuckling.

Just clean your knee Dianna said chuckling. Fine I said chuckling, quickly cleaning my knee with the rag.

Before you put the bandage on, dry it with this Dallas said, tossing me a dry towel. Thank you, I said doing it quickly.

When my knee was dry, I put the bandage on. And I'm done I said. Go throw your trash away and wash your hands mom said.

Yes ma'am I said getting up from the table and going into the kitchen. I threw my trash into the trash can, then washed my hands in the sink.

Once my hands were dried, I came and sat back down at the table. Have you heard anything from Cory yet Eddie asked.

No, hopefully soon or we're gonna have to leave without them mom said. Do we have enough room in the car to fit all of us Madison asked a little confused.

We have 2 cars still out there, it'll just be a tighter squeeze than usual Dianna said. Oh, fair enough Madison said.

Mama Abby said to Maya. Yes baby Maya said. Ouchie Abby said pointing at her nose. Oh, I see we need to blow this little nose again she said grabbing a tissue.

She helped Abby blow her nose then passed her over to Jake. As she got up to wash her hands Auggie got mom's attention.

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