Chapter 1

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(Y/n) - your name
(M/f/n) - Mom's friend's name

(Y/n) POV
"Mom are you sure this is where I'm going to live?" I asked confused looking up at the huge house right in front of me. "Yes sweetheart I'm sure." She told me. "(M/f/n) said you could live here as long as your fine with a FEW roommates" she said. "What do you mean a FEW mom?" I asked and looked at her. "Well you know how (M/f/n) has a son right?" She said. "Yeah, you mean Jihoon?" I said. "Yes well, he's now in a band and there's 12 other boys." She said sheepishly. "MOM!" I just about yelled. "What?!" She said. I glared at her. "Oh come on (Y/n) you've known Jihoon since you were 13." She said. "Yes I know that but 12 other boys that I don't know! Come on mom!" I said pouting. "Your living here." She said sternly pointing to the house. My eyes went wide. "Fine" I complained. "I'll go inside and help you unpack. Then your on your own, along with the boys. Also Jihoon and the youngest member are here right now so they'll help you if you need it." She said as we walked to the door. She knocked on the door and about 10 seconds later it opened and there stood Jihoon. "Annyeong" He said and smiled. "Annyeong" My mom said.

-Time Skip-

Woozi POV

After (Y/n) went upstairs to go unpack her stuff with her mom Dino came out of the kitchen with his jacket on backwards and a bag of chips hanging from the hood. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at him crossing my arms. "Just eating chips" He said with a mouthful of them. "Stop eating with your mouth open and why do you have your hood like that?" I said. "I'm watching a drama and I got hungry so i got a bag of chip! I gotta hurry i'm gonna miss the best part!" He said in a hurry flaling his arms. "First go say hi to (Y/n) she's staying with us from now, then you can go watch your dramas." I said. "Arraso!" He smiled and went upstairs but came back down 10 seconds later. "Uh... Where's her room?" He asked. I just looked at him and went upstairs to show him. "Do you know (Y/n) hyung?" Dino asked looking at me. "Yeah i do. We've been friends since we were 13." I said. "That's a long time." Dino said. When we got to (Yn)'s room, which is right across from the bathroom, I knocked on the door. "You can come in ya know. You don't have to knock Jihoonie." She said. I blushed when I heard her say that.....NOT THE PART WHERE SHE SAID I DIDN'T HAVETO KNOCK! I mean when she called me Jihoonie. I haven't heard her say that in a long time. "Hyung...Why are you blushing?" Dino said a little loud. "I'm not blushing!" i said as I covered his mouth. I opened the door and walked in, Dino following me from behind. "I wanted you to meet the youngest member in the group, we call him Dino but his real name is Lee Chan." I said. "Annyeong." Dino said smiling. "Annyeong" (Y/n) and her mom said back. "Dino why is your jacket turned around and a bag of chips hanging out of your hoodie?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh yeah! I was watching a drama when i got hungry so i got a bag of chips and didn't want to hold them so i turned my hoodie around and i was in a hurry because i was at the best part! But then Woozi wanted me to say hi to you and he started to blu-" Dino couldn't say anymore because I put my hand over his mouth. "You don't need to tell her everything." I said looking at Dino then at (Y/n) and her mom, who both had confused looks, smiling shyly then dragged DIno out of the room closing the door. "Why did you go on about me blushing?!" I said frustrated. "So you admit it you were blushing when she said Jihoonie." Dino smirked backing away a little knowng that I was probably gonna kill him...Which I was. "Why you little....." I didn't say anymore before I attacked him, but he ran of down the hallways. "GET BACK HERE!" I yelled chasing him. He screamed and ran down one of the halls...Yes we have a huge house with a lot of hallways. I guess I must have missed him because he was running back to (Y/n)'s room. I saw her mom walk out of her room, which meant she was leaving. We both stopped in our tracks for a moment until we heard the door close and the car drive away. Then the chase began,..... again. "NOONA!" Dino screamed in a high-pichted voice. I saw (Y/n) open her door. "Dino what are you screaming ab-" (Y/n) fell to the ground as Dino ran in her room. I knocked on the door. "NO ONE'S HOME!" I heard Dino yell, then the door locked. "(Y/n) let me in right now!" I said angrily. "Why Jihoonie?!" She said and snickred. "Dino!" I yelled, my voice almost cracked. 'Did he actually tell her about me blushing?!' I thought.

(Y/n) POV

Before my mom left she told me something, well actually more like demanding something. "I want you to marry one of them" she said. "W-what?!" I stood there dumbfounded. "What?! They're all super cute and not to old... Especially Jihoon." And with that said my mom left. A few minutes later I heard Dino yell 'NOONA!' in a high-pitched voice. I opened the door to see what was wrong. "Dino what are you screaming ab-" I couldn't finished my scentence because I fell down. I got up while Dino closed my door. "Dino what's wrong?" I asked staring at him. "H-hyung is mad at me beacause I almost told you that he started blushing when you called him Jihoonie! and I think he likes you that's why!" He said looking like he was about to cry. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. "NO ONE'S HOME!" Dino screamed and locked the door. "(Y/n) let me in rigt now!" I heard Jihoon say in an angry tone. "Why Jihoonie?!" i said snickering (A/n: I don't even know if it's a word but whatever). "Dino!" I heard him yell. I think his voice almost cracked. Right after that I heard the dork unlock and foot steps downstairs. "That's the others!" Dino said happily while jumping like a little kid. Dino put the bag of chips down and unlocked the door to my room. "Are you sure you can go out there?" I asked him. "I'm pretty sure Woozi went down stairs already." He said and opened the door, But he was wrong Woozi grabbed him didn't let go. "NOONA!" Dino yelled struggling to get out of his grasp. "I always have to handle this by myself don't I.." I said and jumped on Woozi's back. "Let him go!" I said hitting his chest with one hand. "NO!" He said. "LET HIM GO!" I yelled. "NO!!" He yelled back. 'Maybe if i be all lovey dovey he'll let him go!' I thought while smirking. "Oppa~!" I whinned. They both stopped and froze looking at me. I just started to act like I had seen in the dramas. "Oppa saranghae!" I said and he dropped Dino who ran downstairs, "Yah! Don't play around like that!" he said looking at me as I got of his back. I smiled and ran downstairs aswell. I stopped as soon as I saw all the others looking at me. "That's (Y/n)! She's the one that's staying with us" Dino said pointing at me. "Annyeong" I said. "Annyeong" They all said back. "(Y/N)!" Woozi said. I stood there wide-eyed, then ran and hid behind the others along with Dino. Woozi came downstairs and stared at the guys. "Woozi why are you angry?" the boy with 'ice-cream hair' asked. Woozi pointed at Dino and me. "Oppa!~ Uliga Mianhae!" I said. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me. "F-fine...I'll let you go this time, but only because we haven't seen each other in forever." he said pouting looking the other way. Dino smiled and ran towards him and hugged him. "Gomabseubnida" Dino said. "sure.." Woozi said. I looked at the other boys. "Does this always happen?" i asked. "Yup!" one of them said. "I don't know who is who...." i said. "Let's say each other's name then!" Dino said. "Yeah!" everyone else said happily. We all sat in the living room and said our names.

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now