Chapter 29

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(Y/n) POV
I woke up to feel a pair of arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and saw Jihoon, the guy I loved the most in this whole world. I smiled, as I touched his cheek with my finger. He's was so cute when he was sleeping. He looked like a 10 year old....he looked peaceful. "Jihoonie." I said gently. He didn't say anything except for moving closer. "Jihoon." I said once again. "Mmmm...." He said in a quiet tone. "Wake up sleepy head." I told him. "Five more minutes." He said. "Fine." I said getting up to go wash my face but he pulled me back down. "Five more minutes of laying down with you." He mumbled, putting his head on my shoulder. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. It sent chills down my spine. I laid there for about 5 minutes before getting up. "Jagiya...." Jihoon whined while looking at me. "Oppa~" I said back and smile. A light tint of pink formed on his cheeks. I laughed a little and washed my face. I still had on the clothes from yesterday but Jihoon told me he had his wallet in the car...and he said he would bring me shopping for something to wear. Also who keeps their wallet in the car over night?

Woozi POV
We got in the car and drove off to a store near by. (Y/n) bought a few things and so did I, but one thing she looked super cute in was a (f/c) dress that went to her knees. She kept it on and we left the store after about 2 hours shopping. I wanted to bring her back home but not just yet. I still had to ask her...that one question. I wanted to special though so I called the others and asked for their help. I also talked to Dino and told him that I was sorry about yesterday. He said he was fine with it and said he would help as well. He sounded happy and excited like a child getting Christmas presents. They went to where we were at and set up all this stuff in the center of the town...which made me more nervous....and hid behind the building that was near it. Right now it was 6:30 and we walked over to where the others set up everything. They outdid themselves too. There were beautiful white lights everywhere, flower petals in the shape of a heart, just everything you could ever imagine. It was like a fairy tale. "Wow!" (Y/n) said in amazement, still not knowing that this was all planned. I smiled, "it's pretty right?" I asked. "It beautiful...." She told me. I walked her over to the rose petal heart and stood in the middle of it. I took a deep breath, "(Y-Y/n) there's something I-I need to tell you." I said. She looked at me a little worried. "It's nothing bad I promise." I said, smiling. At this moment my heart felt like it was going to rip out of my chest. "Okay..." She said and laughed a little with a smile on her face. " I'm....actually a coward. When I watch horror movies, I don't have the courage to open my eyes. If I go to a high place, my legs will shake. But for me the most scariest thing in the world is when I can't see you. (Y/n) I know we've only been together for a short time but I've know you for almost more than 7 years now and my love for you has never...and will never change. I'm so glad to have you in my life...and I hope we never leave each other's side. What I'm trying to say is....." I stopped, getting down on one knee with the ring I had in a velvet box, while the others came out of their hiding spots and shouted, "WILL YOU MARRY ME!!??" I looked at (Y/n) who was tearing up. She smiled and said "yes." The others and a bunch of other people who had gathered around screamed with joy and clapped their hands. I hugged (Y/n) and she hugged back as I put the ring on her finger. "Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss!" They all shouted. I smiled, so did (Y/n) and we shared a passionate kiss. I was so happy she said yes. After a few minutes (F/n) came up to (Y/n) and they jumped around screaming with joy. The members came up to me and screamed as well jumping around and hugging me. They said stuff like "congratulations!" "I'm gonna be an uncle!" "When's the wedding" etc. I laughed and told them to calm down. I wanted to tell the fans but the paparazzi and others have probably taken photos or videos already, so the news is going to be out there soon. 'I finally asked her...and she said yes!' I thought with joy. After a while we all went home and I decided to call my parents and (Y/n)'s mom. We called (Y/n)'s mom fist who screamed as soon as she heard us say we were engaged. We laughed as she started talking about having grandchildren and how (Y/n) was finally going to get married. She was really happy and congratulated us. Then we called my mom and dad. "Yeoboseyo?" I heard my mom say. "Hi mom." I said. "Hi sweetheart! How's it going?" She asked. "It's going pretty good....actually (Y/n) and I have something to tell you." I told her. "Oh my gosh! Is (Y/n) pregnant!!!?!?!!" My mom screamed. "E-eh?! What n-no!!!!" I said flustered. "I was gonna say (Y/n) and I are engaged. I asked her today." I said. "OH MY GOSH! IVE GOTTA TELL YOUR DAD!" She yelled. I could hear her talking in the background and (Y/n) and I started laughing. We talked for about 10 more minutes and they said goodbye since they were tired and so were we. "Love you mom." I said. "Love you to sweetie and (Y/n)?..." She said. "Yes ma'am?" She asked. "I love you as well." She told her. "Aww I love you to Mrs. Lee." She said back. "Just call me mom." She told her. "Okay." (Y/n) said, with a smiled on her face. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." And with that we hung up and went to sleep. This was the best day of my life and I'll never forget it for as long as I live.

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