Chapter 12

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Woozi POV
I had been searching for (Y/n) all day and I still haven't found any sign of her. 'Please be okay. Please be okay.' I thought. "Wait what if Young Do got to her already?!" I said panicking. I looked down the streets and in stores but no sign of (Y/n) still. I was starting to lose hope. I sat down on a bench to catch my breath. "What if I never find her?" I say to myself. I decided to look around the place one last time. "I couldn't even find the stupid apartment." I said in an angry tone. I lot of people noticed who I was. It was annoying but I took photos and signed autographs anyways. As I walked down the street I saw someone who looked exactly like (Y/n). '(Y/n)? Is that her?' I thought. "(Y/N)!" I yelled. She turned around towards my direction and I saw her face. "It is her." I said. I ran down the street to get to her but crowds of people were in the way. I tripped once and the sling that was holding my arm wasn't helping at all. I took it off and ran as fast as I could pushing my way through the crowds. I saw her walking away, my eyes widened. 'No no no! I can't lose her! Not now!' I thought. Once I had gotten close enough to her I grabbed her hand and she looked at me. "Woo-" I hugged her as tight as I could, even though my arm was in pain I didn't care. I was just glad she was okay. "What are you doind here?" She asked. "I came here to bring you home." I told her. "Woozi I already told you I'm not going back." She said sternly. "Why does it matter if Young Do is there! Huh? Just because I got hurt doesn't mean I'm going to die." I said as I looked her right in the eyes. "What if he hurts the others or tries to kill one of you! I don't want you guys getting hurt because of me!" She screamed, as tears formed in her eyes. "(Y/n) we'll find a way to work this out. We can call the police or something I don't know, but what I do know is that everyone wants you back home. (Y/n) I want you back home. I miss you even if it has been only a day. I can't bare to live without you. Why....why can't you jus understand that?!" I say holding her by the shoulders. We were inches apart from each other. "(Y/n).....please......just come back home." I say begging her with all my heart. "Woozi I-" I held her chin and cut her off with a kiss. Her lips were soft and warm. It felt like we were the only two people in the world at that moment.

(Y/n) POV
"(Y/n)....please....just come back home." He begged. "Woozi I-" I got cut off by Woozi kissing me. I stood there shocked for a moment with my eyes wide opened but soon closed them. It felt amazing, like we were the only two people in the world. Once we broke apart I had butterflies in my stomach. I looked at Woozi then at the ground as I felt my face getting hotter every second. "Kyeopta." Woozi said ruffling my hair. "If it makes you happy....I'll come home." I said. "Jinja?!" Woozi exclaimed. "Yes really. Just promise me one thing." I said still looking at the floor. "And what would that be?" Woozi asked. I looked up at him. "That you won't leave me....." I told him tears forming in my eyes. He smiled at me, "I promise." He told me and pulled me into a hug. "(Y/n)....." Woozi said. "Hmm?" I asked. "W-will....will you g-go...." He kept stuttering and looked at the ground. "Will I go?...." I asked. 'I know what he's trying to say I just want to hear it.' I thought. "Willyougooutwithme?!" Woozi said really fast. "What? I didn't quite understand that. Can you say it again?" I asked. He looked at me. "You heard what I said!" He told me. "I didn't really." I said. He looked at the ground again. "Yah! Look at me. Right in the eyes." I said. He looked at me and a blush appeared on his face. I smiled. "Now tell me!" I said hopping up and down. He took a deep breath. "(Y/n) (L/n) will you go out with me?" He asked. "Yes." I said and smiled. "So we can go back to your apartment and get your stuff and Max and go back home?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Well then what are we waiting for! Let's go jagiya!" He said grabbing my hand. 'Jagiya...' I thought. I haven't heard that word said to me before in my life. Young Do never said it once to me. He only called me by my name or my last name. I never felt safe around him, but with Woozi I felt completely safe. Like nothing would happen to me. I looked at Woozi. "Oppa. What about the fans and your job? Won't the fans hate me and your not aloud to date people right?" I asked. It was true though about the dating thing. Most idols weren't even married because of the company they worked for, they weren't allowed to date...well unless they dated secretly or went with a different company. "Don't worry about that (Y/n) it'll be fine." He told me reassuringly. "Positive?" I asked. "Positive." He told me, and off we went to go get my stuff from the apartment and go back to my real home.

-Time skip-

When we got to the apartment I put all my stuff in my suitcase and told Max we were leaving to go back home. He started barking like crazy when Woozi had come into the apartment though. I guess he missed everyone else more than I thought. "Oppa what about your sling. You don't have one on." I said. "Oh yeah...about sling got in the way when I was running while trying to catch up to you so I threw it on the ground. Also here's you ring." He said. I just looked at him. "You should've kept the sling on. Your arm hasn't even healed enough to take it off yet!....and thank you." I exclaimed and took my ring back. "Mianhae and what is that ring for anyways?" Woozi asked. "My dad gave it to me a few years ago. He said when you wear it, it brings you good luck and helps you find the ones you love." I told him. "Well then it works." Woozi told me. "Because it brought me to you." He said while smiling and kissed my on the forehead. "Now, let's go home." He said and we headed home.

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now