Chapter 32

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Woozi POV
When we got to Pledis we headed into the building and found my manager. We went into his office and asked him about things like when the wedding could be and who would be invited and about getting a house etc. He told us that the wedding could be on the 20th of this month and right now it's the about 12 days from now we're going to have the wedding. He also said that we could get a house if we wanted and that we just needed to be careful about fans that have been hateful about us and especially Young Do. Just hearing his name makes me angry. After we had gotten everything settled with my manager and the CEO we left and headed home. It was silent for a few minutes before (Y/n) spoke up. "Jihoon...what if Young Do does find us and tries to kill us or even hurt the others?" She asked in a small tone. I was quiet, gripping the wheel tighter than I ever have. "I don't think he'll be back Jagiya." I tell her as I looked at the road ahead of me. "But what if he does?" She asks, I can tell she's scared. As we stopped at a red light I looked at her. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and she was looking at the floorboard. I wiped away her tears and turned her head so she was looking at me. "Don't be scared (Y/n). I'll be there for you, I always will. Trust me on this though, that even if he does come back and tries to hurt any of us then I will protect you and the others. I won't let any thing happen to you so don't worry. Your fine, I promise." I told her calmly with a small smile on my face. She nodded her head and I went back to driving since the light turned green. When we got home we went inside but the others weren't there. 'I wonder where everybody went?' I thought. I walked into the kitchen to get me a cup of water and saw a note on the table. 'Hi hyung! It's Dino! We went to go eat since we didn't feel like making any food. We'll be sure to bring you two some food when we get back! Love you guys! Love, Dino'. I smiled as I read the note. I put it down and went back into the living room after a got a drink of water. I saw (Y/n) on the couch asleep but she was sitting up, like if you were asleep in a car, that's how she was sleeping at the moment. I smiled at her, everything she does makes me smile. She's an angel and that's all I can think, when ever I'm with her or think about her I just don't know what to do because I love her so much. I sat next to her and put her head on my shoulder holding her close. Max hopped up into the couch and laid down as well. My eyelids soon felt heavy and I fell asleep in an instant. 'Appa!' I heard. It was a dream. I was dreaming about my future with (Y/n). I don't know why I was dreaming this but I saw two little boys that looked like twins, around 2 I guess, and a baby girl who looked really young maybe 15 months I don't know, but they were running around inside a house. That's when I saw (Y/n) and I. She was holding the baby and I was playing with the two boys. I smiled as I looked around. Then my dream ended. "Yah! Jihoon-ah!" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see S. Coups trying to wake me up. "Let me sleep." I mumbled closing my eyes again. We have once again another fan sign in 3 days so we're going to plan the wedding after the fan sign. "But we brought you back food." He said. "Dino can have it." I tell him. I wasn't hungry at all for some reason. "Jinja?!" Dino said. "Yes." I said still mumbling with my eyes closed. "Yay!!" I heard him cheer. He really likes food as you can see. S. Coups finally let me be after he asked if I was okay since I'm never really this tired. I decided to go up stairs once it was noisy and loud down here so I went to my room and laid down.

(Y/n) POV
I woke up in Woozi's arms but I thought it would be better if I let him sleep so I carefully got up trying not to wake up and about 10 minutes later the boys came in with food. "We're home!" Hoshi said, with a smile on his face. I told everyone to be a little quieter since Woozi here was asleep. They all nodded and we ate. Jihoon had been asleep for a while now so S. Coups went to go wake him up and see if he was hungry. He came back and told us that Jihoon said he wasn't hungry and that he just wanted to sleep. I looked a little confused, he's never been this tired. He was asleep for almost 4 hours but had seemed sleepy the whole day. 'I hope he's okay...' I thought as I sat with the others and talked. It was starting to get late so I went upstairs and got into my bed along with Max who just about took up my whole bed. They have another fan sign in 3 days...I hope he feels better by then. Max looked at me, "Night buddy." I told him and kissed him on the head. I fell asleep a while later.

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