Chapter 9

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(Y/n) POV
Today was the day I went back to school. I was happy but also scared. 'What if I see Young Do? What do I do then? Do I run, scream, or just stand there like a frozen statue?' I asked myself on my way to school. "We're here (Y/n)!" (F/n) said. "Thanks for bringing me (F/n)!" I said smiling. "Your welcome! Let me know if you need anything okay?" She said. "Okay." I told her and walked into the school. "It's gonna be a long day.

Woozi POV
I wasn't just gonna leave (Y/n) alone at that school and let some person hurt I followed her. Was that a bad idea? Anyway once she got inside the school I kept following her hoping she wouldn't see me. After awhile everyone was in their classes and the hallways were silent. "Now I just gotta keep a close eye on her for he rest of the day." I said. "Oh. That won't be a problem, because you won't be here." I heard someone say. I turned around to see a guy with black hair and brown eyes glaring at me with a smirk on his face. "Your the one who sent (Y/n) that text!" I said. "Yes, I was the one who sent her that text." He said. "What do you want from her?!" I said in an angry tone. "My my looks like someone's angry." He said in a teasing voice. "And I just want her to be mine....once again." He said holding me by the collar of my shirt. "I want you to stay away from her you here me? Or else." He said tightening his grip. "Or....else...what?" I said slowly because when his grip tightened it got hard for me to breath. "Or else your dead." He told me and let me go. I collapsed to the ground trying to catch my breath. Once I finally did I said, "I'd rather DIE than you being with her." I told him. He smirked and laughed. "Oh we'll see about that." He said and walked away leaving me alone in the empty hallways of the school.

Young Do POV
'I'll get that stupid boy outta my sight no matter what.' I thought as I walked away. "Even if it means killing him." I said to myself. Lunch was in 2 hours so I'll just see (Y/n) then. 'She'll be mine once more. Then no one will see her EVER again.' I thought and laughed. I just have wait till lunch.

-Time Skip-

(Y/n) POV
It was time for lunch! It had been okay all day, I mean I didn't see Young Do anywhere. I even met a knew friend her name was Sun-Yi. 'At least I can eat. Cause I'm starving!' I thought to myself as I walked into the cafeteria. It didn't take very long to get my food. So right after that Sun-Yi and I went and sat down to eat. "This is really good!" I said. "It is!" Sun-Yi exclaimed. We both laughed and talked for awhile until it was time for free period, which meant we could go where ever we want, well at the school. It was like a time to study and all that stuff. "I'll see you in a little bit (Y/n) I'm gonna go to the library." Sun-Yi said. "Okay! See you later!" I said and we both waved goodbye then went our separate ways. Just then someone grabbed me by the arm and put their hand over my eyes. They started to walk but I was struggling to get out of their grasp. "Quit struggling." They said or should I say he. 'Young Do.' I thought. My heart was beating as fast as it could and I was frozen. I was scared. He finally let go of me and that's when I noticed this was a part of the school I had never seen before. It was dark but you could still see the sun. It felt odd and creepy. "What do you want from me!" I yelled at Young Do. "Oh only one thing....." He paused smirking. "And that's you." He said coming closer to me. I backed away slowly, only to get cut by a wire. After a while I had nowhere to go because there was a wall behind me and Young Do was coming even closer. Tears started to form in my eyes. 'Someone me' I thought.

Woozi POV
I went to the cafeteria and no one was there. "Where is she." I said. I ran around the whole school trying to find her but there was no trace of where she could be. I remembered seeing a place at the school that looked like a alley. That's when it clicked. I ran as fast as I could. 'Please don't let me be to late.' I thought. When I got over there I saw Young Do....and (Y/n). "YAH!" I yelled. Young Do looked at me and smirked and so did (Y/n) but she had tears in her eyes. Young Do came towards me and I went towards him. That's when the fight started. He punched me in the side of the head and grabbed me by the arm. "Didn't I tell you not to interfere? Or else you were dead?" He said in a serious tone. "And didn't I tell you that I'd rather DIE than you being with her!" I told him and punched him in cheek which then made his lip bleed. 'Okay maybe I should t have done that' I thought as Young Do touched his lip to see blood. He looked at me and punched me once more in the side of my head. I fell to the ground as blood started trickle down the side of my head. "Jihoon!" I heard (Y/n) yell. I looked at (Y/n). "Stay where you are!" I told her scared what he might do to her. "So that's your name huh?" Young Do said, holding a metal pole. I looked up at him. We both had bruises, cuts and blood all over our faces and arms. I got up and tried to punch him once more but he grabbed a hold of my arm and twisted it. "Agh!" I screamed. My arm popped. "There now I have one less arm of your to deal with now that it's broken." Young Do said as I held my arm. Young Do hit me with the metal pole on the side of my head one last time then all of a sudden he just....left. He walked away and didn't say anything. He just looked at me and smiled like he just accomplished part of a plan or something. My head was buzzing and I couldn't think straight. Everything was a blurry mess. "Jihoon!" I heard (Y/n) say as she ran towards me. But it was all blurry and that's when I collapsed, then everything went black.

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