Chapter 26

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Woozi POV

I heard (Y/n) scream and I got really worried."(Y/n)?...(Y/N)!?" I screamed into the phone but didn't get a reply. Everyone looked at me worried. They asked me questions but I couldn't hear them. I ran off as fast as I could as the others yelled my name. I ran as fast as I could to the house not looking back. I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me either because a car came straight towards me. I jumped only to land on the hood of the car and rolled onto the ground. My arm hurt but I got up as fast as I could and ran off once again. When I got to the house I looked inside calling out (Y/n)'s name but I didn't get a reply. "Jagiya!?" I yelled walking around the place. I went upstairs saw (Y/n) tied up with a cloth over her mouth. I ran to her but she looked at me in fear as if she was telling me to leave. I still ran up to her not knowing what was going to happen and untied her. "Jiho-" *Bang* A gun was fired. My stood in place for a few seconds and fell to my knees. I looked up at Young Do and said "Why?" That was the last thing I said to him before he ran off. The thing that I wasn't the one who got hit. It was (Y/n), right when the gun shot she got in front of me, taking the shot for me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "(Y/n).....(Y/n) w-wake up." I said shaking her as she laid in my lap. At that moment I was frozen I didn't know what to do. I didn't have the strength to do anything. I felt like my whole world was gone. Just then the others walked in and stopped . I looked at (Y/n) the whole time. I didn't want her to leave. To much has happened, it was always one of us who got hurt. I'd die if she wasn't here. I heard Wonwoo talking on the phone and after a few minutes i could hear an ambulance outside. I was still in the same place as when it happened. They started to take (Y/n) away but I started to yell at them. "Jihoon they have to tak-" I cut S.coups of and yelled as I held onto (Y/n)'s hand. "NO!" I said, tears falling down my cheeks. S.coups tired to take my hand away from (Y/n). "Jihoon she has to go with them." He said calmly. I wouldn't budge but all of the others helped get my hand off of (Y/n)'s and the two paramedics took her away as I cried and struggled to get to her. The others had to hold me down, I had a disadvantage because of my arm but they didn't notice. I had blood on my hands from holding (Y/n) and it was on my face as well. I dropped to the floor trying to catch my breath but I couldn't I was panicking to much. Just then Max came out from underneath the bed and sat next to me, putting his head in my lap. Everyone started to leave but S. Coups bent down beside me. "I'm scared." I said in a quiet tone, my voice cracking. He hugged me, "(Y/n)'s a fighter Woozi. I'm sure she'll be alright." He told me reassuringly. 'But what if she isn't?' I think to myself. Questions soar through my mind. ' I'll kill him. I'll teach him a lesson. He'll die and he'll pay.' I thought looking at the ground, my hands forming fists. That's what I'm going to do...I'm going to make him regret everything he's ever done to (Y/n)...and this time... There's no going back. I either die or live, that's how it's gonna be.

Dino POV

When we walked into the room I saw (Y/n) on the ground. My eyes started to fill with tears but none came out. I almost sank down to my knees. 'I need to get over her.' I told myself. I had a little bit but when I saw her on the floor not moving I thought I was going to die. The paramedics came in to take (Y/n) to the hospital but Woozi hyung wouldn't let her go. He screamed and cried as we tried to hold him back. He struggled to get to her and used all his strength but he was outnumbered and soon let go. He cried even more and sank to his knees. He had blood on his hands and face. He started to panic but there was nothing we could do. Max went up to him and laid his head down on Woozi's lap. I couldn't deny my feelings for her but I knew that she was with Woozi. He cared about her so much that he'd literally put his life on the line for her. After a few minutes we all walked outside except for S. Coups. I heard Woozi say "I'm scared." right when I walked out. I felt sorry for him. My stomach felt like it was being twisted into a huge knot. Think about what I saw....(Y/n) on the ground blood on Woozi....I don't think that'll ever get out of my head. 'Please be alright noona.....Woozi hyung can't live without you....I promise I'll get over you....Noona please, please don't die. All I'm asking is that you live and stay with Woozi hyung. He needs you more than anything. So please, live for all of us...especially Jihoon.' I thought looking at the ground, as tears roll down my cheeks falling to the ground. My eyes became red and puffy but I didn't care, the others were crying to but I knew in my heart that Jihoon was crying the most out of all of us. I wanted to go up to Jihoon and hug him but I couldn't go in that room. I don't like blood, I hate seeing the ones I love get hurt. When I saw (Y/n) on the ground I thought I would die but I knew deep inside of me that Jihoon was already dying because he witnessed everything with his very own eyes.

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