Chapter 25

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(Y/n) POV
After a while we headed home and said bye to Jihoon's parents. On the way back we talked and laughed, just having a good time. "So what did you and my mom talk about?" He asked, still looking at the road. I looked the other direction. "Nothing~......" I said. "Uh huh. I can tell your lying." He said. "Your not my dad." I told him crossing my arms. He ruffled my hair, still looking at the road in front of him. "But I am your boyfriend~" Jihoon sang and smiled. "Stop it!" I whined covering my face with my hands. "Stop what?" He asked with a chuckle. "With making my heart beat fast!" I told him. "And how do I make your heart beat fast?" He asked. 'Why that little potato!' I thought. "B-because when you smile, laugh, sing, look at me, tell me things like I'm pretty.... ITS GETS ME RIGHT IN THE HEART!" I say, still having my hands cover my face. It was silent for a minute. 'Say something....' I thought. The car stopped. I'm guessing we we're at a red light and I took my hands off my face and started to turn my head towards the window but Jihoon turned my head towards him and kissed me. "That's because you love me silly." He said and smiled. I suddenly yawned, I didn't know I was this tired. I rubbed my eyes trying to stay awake. "Rest." Jihoon said. "Huh?" I asked looking at him. "Just rest. I'll wake you up when we get back to the house." He told me. I nodded my head and fell asleep in an instant.

Woozi POV
"Just rest. I'll wake you up when we get back to the house." I told her. She looked really tired. She nodded and closed her eyes. In an instant she fell asleep. 'Knew she was tired' I thought while smiling. It only to took about 10 more minutes to get back to the house and when we did (Y/n) was still asleep. I got out of the car and went to the passengers seat. I opened the car door, "Jagiya....wake up." I said gently as I shook her shoulder a little. "Mmm." Was all she said before she looked at me with sleepy eyes. 'She's not gonna get up' I thought. So I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the house. "I'm don't have to carry me....." She said in a sleepy voice. I laughed a little. "I don't mind." I told her. When we got inside I laid her down in her bed. I went back downstairs to see everyone outside int he back yard. Just then Wonwoo walked in. "Woozi we have to go to practice right now. The manager just called." He told me. "Okay." I said and got ready. I went back upstairs and left a note for (Y/n) telling her we had to go to practice and that I would be home late along with the others. I know (F/n) and Max were there but still...I just like telling her where I'm at....just in case something happens. We all headed to the van and drove to the practice room. When we got there we got out of the van and went inside.

(Y/n) POV
I guess I had been asleep for a little while because when I woke up no one else was home except Max. I saw two different notes. One was from Jihoon and the other was from (F/n). 'We had to go to practice. Stay safe and ill see you when we get home. Love you! Love, Oppa :)' I smiled and looked at the one (F/n) left me. 'Sorry I didn't stay home. I thought about going to the grocery store to get food for dinner. Be back in a bit! - (F/n)' I put the notes down and headed down stairs and decided to watch T.v. It had only been 30 minutes since (F/n) was gone but I knew she was okay. She probably went to the library or something as well because she loves books. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. "I wonder who that is..." I say to myself and get up to check who it is through the window. My eyes widened. 'I thought he was in prison!?' I thought, just outside my door was Young Do. He saw me too, I ran upstairs and Max followed. I heard banging on the door and Young Do yelling for me to let him in. It wasn't in a nice way either. I started to panic. I grabbed my phone and called (F/n) but she didn't answer. I dialed Woozi's number as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Hello?" He said. "O-Oppa....." I said as I sat in a corner crying. "(Y/n)?! What's wrong?!" He asked. "H-he's back! I-I don't know how but he's-" I got cut off to Young Do busting down the door to my room. I screamed as he grabbed my arm making me drop my phone and Max started barking. "Max stop!" I yelled not wanting him to get hurt. He hid under my bed watching what was happening. "L-let me go!" I yelled as Young do pushed me against the wall. "Why should I? Huh?!" He yelled back, putting his hand under my chin making me look at him. Tears rolled down my eyes even harder as I tired to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go. "W-what do you want?!" I said as I lost my strength. He smirked looking me straight in the eyes and said, "you". He grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the lips. I tried pushing him away but it didn't work. I got weaker by the second as I fought for my life. Someone please help me....' I thought. "Oppa..." I whispered tears leaving stains on my cheeks. 'I need you....' I thought.

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