Chapter 3

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(F/k/b)- Favorite K-pop Band

Vernon POV

Once we got back to the house everyone decided to take a shower. Thankfully we had more than 1 shower. We basically had one in each of our rooms. But each room had 2 people and one room had 3, except for (Y/n), of course she had her own room. "When everyone's done taking showers you guys wanna go somewhere to eat? Or get stuff from the store and eat?" I asked. "We could just go to the store...I mean if that's okay with everyone else." THE8 said. Everyone nodded their heads and went into their rooms, except for me and THE8 who had already taken a shower.

(Y/n) POV
After I was done taking a shower I put on a (f/k/b) t-shirt and shorts. Then out of the blue I heard someone, more like Dino, scream. I went to Dino's room but first knocked on the door. "Dino are you okay?" I asked worried. "IT BURNS!" He whined. "Can I come in!?" I asked because hey! What if he wasn't wearing any clothes! I wasn't gonna walk in there just like that! "Y-yes" he said. I opened the door to see Dino holding his eye. "Dino what happened?!" I asked as I took his hand off of his eye. It looked a little swollen. "I-i was t-trying to see if the s-sunscreen was opened or not so I-I decided to spray it at the g-ground but instead it was pointed towards me and g-got me I-in the eye!" He said. "It'll be okay! I'll get a towel and wipe your eye just to make sure there isn't any so close to your eye that it could get in there again." I told him as I went to get a washcloth.
-time skip-
"Is that better?" I asked him as I put the washcloth in the laundry room. (A/n he followed you to the laundry room). "Nae. Thank you Noona!" He said and smiled. I smiled back. "Your so cute" I said. 'Wait I said that out loud! Crap!' I thought as Dino looked at me, I saw a light tint of pink form on his cheeks. "U-uh...Let's just go to the store aready." I said and walked downstairs as fast as I could. When I got downstairs the others were already waiting. "You ready?" They said and smiled. 'STAHP YOUR KILLING ME WITH YOUR CUTENESS!!QUIT IT!!!' I thought. My heart felt like it was gonna explode and I had butterflies in my stomach. 'Why do you guys have to be so hot but cute at the same time.' I thought. "Y-yep I'm r-ready" I said stuttering. 'Well, there's no going back now...' I thought once more. Then we all left once Dino came downstairs.

-Time Skip-

Hoshi POV
After everyone was done taking a shower we decided to split up at the store and buy whatever we wanted/needed for the house. The groups were Vernon, Jun, and Mingyu. Then DK, Junghan, THE8, and Joshua. The third group was Seungkwan, S.coups, Wonwoo, and Woozi. The last group was (Y/n), Dino, and me. "Okay guys lets make sure NOT to buy a bunch of toys." I said because I know these guys may act like they are adult but they are actually like 5 years olds and I'm not gonna lie I'm just like them. "We won't~" Joshua and THE8 said while smirking with a glint in their eyes. 'Oh boy...' I thought. "This is gonna be a long day..." I said and walked off with Dino and (Y/n).

Joshua POV
Once everyone went their separate ways THE8 and I looked at each other and smiled knowing where we were gonna go first. "Gaja!" I said and we ran off to where the toys were. Once we got to the toys we went nuts. We played we all the toys and they had those toy cars little kids could ride. THE8 got on one but he didn't know how to start it. "This is confusing!" He said but he finally got it to work and the car started to drive. He looked at me amazed and I just laughed. "WHA! WE GOTTA GET ONE OF THESE!" He said really loud. "We're to big for this" I said. "WHO CARES! I LOVE IT!" He squealed. He then drove of to where DK and Junghan were to ask if we could get it, but he then got tired of sitting on it after a while and decided to pick it up. "JUNGHAN! JUNGHAN! JUNGHAN!" He screamed once he found him. When Junghan saw what THE8 was holding he looked at me then THE8 with the 'are you serious' face. "Can I get this!" He asked like he was five years old. "Your to big for it." He said. "Like I said a minute ago to Joshua....WHI CARES! I WANT IT!" He started to beg and it got really annoying. "Fine! Fine! Just..." Junghan held the bridge of his nose. "Just...go get a snack or do something else." He said and THE8 looked like he was some little kid that just got $100. "Yay!" He said and off he went. "Go with him." Junghan told me. "Can I get a toy and a snack too?" I asked. "S-sure...." He said. I smiled. "Thank you!" I said and hugged him then I went off with THE8 to go get a snack and a toy!

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