Chapter 2

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S. Coups POV
When we got to the beach everyone was laughing and smiling. We had a cooler full of food, towels, drinks, a umbrella, etc. Dino and Vernon were the first to get in the water. The funny part was, was that Dino and Vernon were running so close to each other in the water that they both fell and were soaked from head to toe and they were covered in sand. "Hahahahahahahaha!" I laughed pointing at them. But right after that I stopped laughing because I almost fell as well. Wanna know why? Joshua got on my back. "Gidy up horse!" He said pointing to the water. "Yah! I'm not a horse!" I told him. "Wae! You look like one!" He said teasingly. "Then this horse is gonna go full speed and dump you into the ocean." I said. "What?! No no no no! No please!" Joshua said. I smirked and ran towards the ocean. Joshua was pretty light so he was easy to carry. "WHAAAAAAAAAA!" He screamed as I threw him of my back into the water. "That's what you get!" I said putting my hands on my hips. "WITH A HIDE-AWAY PET!" Dino yelled while splashing Vernon with water. Everyone busted out laughing. "Oh wow Dino! Very original!" Junghan said, who was taking his shirt off to get in the water. I went back up to the shore to take of my shirt as well and get in the water. Everyone else was already in the water except for Woozi and (Y/n). (Y/n) was taking of her shoes (a/n: some type of converse or something), she was already in her swim suit. (A/n whatever type of swim suit you want) Woozi was taking his shirt and shoes off. "You two comin'?" I asked. "Yeah in a minute." Woozi said taking of his shoes. "Okay!" I said and smiled then ran of with the others.

Woozi POV
When I took my shoes off I was happy. Now all I had to do was take my shirt off. "Oppa!" (Y/n) said. "Nae." I said looking at her. "Let's go!" She jumped up and down like a five year old. "Okay okay. Let's go" I said smiling. "Wait! Hold still" she said. "Uh...why?" I asked confused. "You'll see and don't drop me." She said. "Wait! What do you mean by-" I couldn't finish my sentence because (Y/n) got onto my back. "Go!" She said. I was kinda surprised when she hopped on my back. I just stood there for a minute. "Oppa!~" (Y/n) whined laying her head on my shoulder with her arms holding me from across the neck. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Huh? Oh y-yes I am. I was just s-surprised" I told her. I smiled "you ready to get wet?" I asked her. "Yes!" She said happily putting her fist in the air but almost fell off my back in the process. "Don't fall! I don't want you getting hurt!" I told her as I started walking to the water. "I won't fall pabo!" She said teasingly and giggled. "You always tease me." I said. "Your gonna get a punishment." I told her when we got to the water. She got off my back. "What kind of punishment?" She asked a little scared. "Why are you scared it's nothing bad." I said smiling like a dork. "Fine....give me my punishment." She told me. "Okay" I said and picked her up bridal style. I brought her to a part of the ocean that she could swim in (without touching the sand). "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" She screamed kicking her legs which made water spray my face. "Giving! You! Your! Punishment!" I said while water was in my mouth. I tossed her and she surfaces the water. She looked at me pouting then splashed me with water. 'She's so cute' I thought smiling. 'Wait what am i saying... I shouldn't say that! (Y/n)'s my best friend! Besides she probably doesn't like me in that way anyways' I thought and shook my head to the side a few times. "You okay Jihoon?" I looked at hers and she had a confused/worried look on her face. "Yeah....I'm perfectly fine." I said. (Y/n) came up to me. "Are you sure? Your face is really red." She told me and came even closer, before I knew it we were inches apart from each other. "I-I'm f-fine r-really" I told her while stuttering. 'Stop blushing Jihoon!' I told myself. (Y/n) then put her hand on my forehead. "Are you sure? Your really hot!" She said looking at me with a worried tone. "I'm fine. I promise! There's no need to worry!" I told her once again. She just looked at me like she knew something was up. "Okay then." She said and sighed. "I'm hungry you wanna go back and get something to eat?" I asked her. "Sure" she said happily. "But! You have to give me a piggyback ride!" I said smirking. "Oppa!" She whined. "What! I gave you one! Now you have to return the favor." I told her as I laughed. "Fine...Get on." She told me. My eyes widened, "You sure you can carry me? I asked worried that I might hurt her. "Of course I can! Your really light anyways." She said laughing. I pouted for a minute then got on her back. "This is weird!" I complained. "Yah! Your the one that said you wanted a piggyback ride!" She told me. "Toché" I told her as she walked to the shore. Once we got there I got of her back and we went to the towels and everything else we had and got the food out. A few minutes later everyone else came to eat too.

Dino POV
Everyone went to where we sat our stuff and we ate. "Who wants to dance?" (Y/n) asked. "ME! ME! ME! NOONA ME!" I said. She smiled. "Can you dance to this?" She asked. It was 'Genie' by Girl's Generation. "Wae?!" I whined. "He can dance to this he just doesn't want to" I heard Vernon say. "Don't say that?!" I told him. "Aw come on please!" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah Dino! Come on!" Everyone else said. "Fine!" I told them and stood up and danced to the song. "This is embarrassing!" I told them. After the song was over I sat back down. "We'll show you how it's done!" Hoshi said and flipped his hair. He then stood up and so did woozi and THE8 and they all danced to KARA's song Mr., just to let you know they did it perfectly and yeah after that they did Bo peep Bo peep by T-ara. It's not even a joke they can dance to any girl song just put one on and those three will stand up and dance to it. "Oh my gosh you guys!" Junghan said. "You could actually be in a girl group if you keep it up!" Vernon said teasingly. Everybody laughed and they all flipped their hair. 'These three are just two much...even if they are my hyungs.' I thought.

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