Chapter 11

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Woozi POV
I woke up with a piece of paper in my hand. It was shaped like a heart. I unfolded in to see (Y/n)'s handwriting. I read the letter and this is what it said: 'Hi Oppa! It's (Y/n). If your reading this then it means I've already left. Yes I left. I'm sorry I didn't tell you yesterday it's just that I don't want you or the others getting hurt or killed. I decided that I would leave so I could keep you guys safe. Please eat well and live well without me. I know there's another girl out there who would love to be with you. Thanks for being my best friend for all these years. Always stay happy Jihoonie! Oh and Jihoon, I like you too but you should be with someone else. Someone who won't cause you trouble. There's no need to come and find me, I'll be okay I have Max with me. Love, (Y/n). I stared at the letter in disbelief, tears rolling down my cheeks. "You didn't have to leave....I don't want to be with anyone else but you." I said out loud. 'I'm going back to the house' I said. " I WILL find (Y/n) even if it's the last thing I do." I said. I ran out of the hospital with the note she left, well I really wasn't supposed to because they said I had to stay there till tomorrow but nu uh. Not now! I called Hoshi and told him about (Y/n). "We know! She's nowhere. Max is gone and all her stuff is gone as well. Except for a jacket that she left in her closet. Which is just a jacket." Hoshi said through the phone. "We have to find her!" I told him. "How! There's nothing here that can help us find her!" He said. "I'm almost home. I'll be right there." I said then hung up. 'Why? Why did you have to go out of my sight. Why did you have to disappear when morning came?' I thought. My heart felt broken like I had just been stabbed over and over again.

-Time Skip-

Once I got back to the house I went upstairs to (Y/n)'s room. "Woozi we looked everywhere there's no-" I cut Vernon off. "THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!" I yelled taking short breathes and slammed (Y/n)'s door shut and locked it. "Woozi! Let's us in!" Vernon said banging on the door. "Woozi seriously!" I heard S. Coups yell. I looked at the jacket that was hanging up in (Y/n)'s closet. I searched the pockets and found a ring and a piece of paper with it. "(Y/n) just where in the world are you." I said to myself looking at the ring. I looked at the piece of paper and it had an address on it. "Is that where she could be?" I said looking around the room. It was empty and I hated it. 'I wish you were here (Y/n) didn't have to leave.' I thought. "YAH! WOOZI OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard S. Coups yell once more, but this time he sounded like he was gonna kick the door down. I looked at the door then the window to (Y/n)'s room and put the ring on my ring finger since that was basically the only finger it would fit on. 'I have a broken arm and I'm fixing to jump out of a window from two story house.' I thought. I sat on the window for a minute looking at the door and put both papers in my pocket. Just before S. Coups kicked down the door I jumped out the window and landed on the ground. "Ow!" I said and got up. I heard talking from inside the house. "Did he jump out the window?!" I heard Dino say. 'Sorry guys but I have to find (Y/n).' I thought to myself and ran off.

Dino POV
Woozi had locked the door to (Y/n)'s room and wasn't talking. I was starting to get worried. What if he tried to hurt himself?! "YAH! WOOZI OPEN THE DOOR!" S. Coups yelled. 'He's gonna kick down the door isn't he.' I was right because about 10 seconds later 'WHAM!' (Y/n)'s door was on the floor, but when we looked in her room....Woozi wasn't there. "Did he jump out the window!?" I said frantically. I looked out the window to see Woozi running down the streets looking at a piece of paper. 'Where the heck is he going?!' I thought. "He's not in here you guys!" Seungkwan said. "Yeah you wanna know why?!" I said. Everyone looked at me. "I JUST SAW HIM RUNNING DOWN THE STREETS!" I yelled. "What?" Everyone yelled in sync. "I said he-" I got cut off. "We heard you Dino." THE8 said. "We have to go after him." Mingyu said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

-Time Skip- *with the reader*

(Y/n) POV
"Come on Max." I said as we walked along the streets. Max looked at me for a moment and whined but soon followed me. "I know Max. You want to go back home but we have to stay in a new house so the others won't get hurt." I said. It looked like he understood what I told him because he stayed right by my feet. I smiled. "Now let's go back to the apartment so you can rest." I said. He barked a couple of times and wagged his tail. 'Silly puppy' I thought. Once we got back to the apartment I gave Max some food to eat and I sat on the couch and watched TV. I know I should be sad that I'm not with the others, I mean don't take me wrong I'm extremely upset about that. It's just that I try to keep a smile on my face and think about positive things. I haven't texted any of them since I left but I was getting lonely so I thought that I should at least text (F/n). 'Hi....' I texted. '(Y/n) where are you?! Seriously!! Woozi jumped out your bedroom window and ran down the streets with some sorta paper in his hands! Now we have to chase him.' She texted back instantly. "Wait Woozi jumped out of my window with a piece of paper...." I sat there for a minute then remembered I had left one of my jackets at the house with my address and one of my rings in the pocket. "OH MY GOSH ARE YOU KIDDING ME! IM SO STUPID!" I said out loud. '1) I'm not gonna tell you where I am. 2) that paper was a note I left him at the hospital.' I texted. She didn't text me for a few minutes then I heard my phone ring. It's was (F/n). "(Y/n) I miss you! Please come home!" She said. "Noona come home!" I heard Dino say in the background. "We miss you (Y/n)!" THE8 said. I sat there for a minute. I felt tears starting to fall from my eyes. "I-I'm sorry guys but...I can't." I said and hung up. I decided to go for a walk to get everything off my shoulders. "I'll be gone for a little bit okay Max." I said patting his head then walked out of the apartment and went around to look at the stores. "Wait...if Woozi has that piece of paper and he's running....oh my gosh what am I gonna do. He's gonna get himself hurt even worse and he wasn't suppose to leave the hospital until tomorrow." I said out loud and face palmed. 'Oh well might as well enjoy my day then worrying about the others.' I thought. That's when I heard someone say my name out loud in the distance.

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