Chapter 28

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-a week after you come home-
Hoshi POV
(Y/n) had been home for a week now and everyone was really happy. The thing is, is that Woozi won't leave her side. Well unless she's taking a shower or something....I think. I was the only one outside with Max at the moment so I decided to go inside to cool off and for Max to get a drink of water. I think I'm starting to imagine things but....I think my dream... became a reality. I walked into the living room to see Dino and Woozi fighting just like in my dream. S. Coups was holding Woozi back while Vernon held onto Dino. Woozi looked like he was about to murder someone. (Y/n) stood behind the others a little scared. I don't think she knew what was going on. I slowly walked up to them. "G-guys stop fighting." I said reaching my hand out to them. Woozi moved forward pulling S. Coups with him and tried lunging at Dino. Vernon and Dino both screamed and ran opposite directions. "Jihoon stop!" Joshua yelled, standing in front of him hold his arms down. Woozi stood there, taking deep breaths while looking at Dino. He looked upset and angry at him, but none of us knew why. 'It's just like my dream...' I thought. I saw Woozi pull away from S. Coups grasp and he took (Y/n) by the hand, leaving the house in an instant with Max on their tail. 'W-why is my d-dream coming true?!' I thought, as I panicked. It was getting harder for me to breath and my vision for blurry. "Hoshi? Are you okay?" Mingyu asked, that's when darkness took over.

Mingyu POV
"Hoshi? Are you okay?" I asked. He looked pale like he saw a ghost or something and he sounded like he was out of breath. Then all of a sudden he collapsed. "Hoshi!" DK screamed. We all went towards him. "What happened to him?" "Is he okay?" "Why'd he collapse?" A bunch of questions were being asked but everyone soon quieted down when S. Coups told them that it was gonna be alright. I brought him to the couch and laid him down. We were all worried about him but also about how Woozi and Dino were fighting. Dino sat quietly on the floor not looking at anyone. "Dino..." Seungkwan asked. "N-nae?" He said looking at us like he was in trouble. "Do you mind telling us why you guys started fighting like that?" Vernon said. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Jeonghan told him. "I-I'd rather not if that's o-okay with you guys." He told us then got up and went to his room. We all looked at each other a little worried, wondering about what happened between the two of them.
(Y/n) POV
"J-jihoon?! Where are we going?" I asked as we drove away from the house. I didn't even know why the two of them are fighting and I still don't. It was silent, "Jihoon." I said looking at him. He still didn't reply, he looked upset and angry. I didn't want to bother him so I stayed quite not knowing where we were going. About 15 minutes later we pulled up to a beach. 'Why are we at a beach?' I thought sitting in my seat. I looked to my left to see Jihoon getting out of the car, going down to the sand. "Jihoon!" I yelled as I ran after him. When I finally got close to him he turned around, grabbing my hand and pulled me into a hug. I was a little surprised because I didn't know he was going to do that. "I don't want him to touch you." He said, in a quiet voice. "What do you mean?" I asked. He pulled away and looked at me. "Dino, he kissed you.....on the lips..." He said looking at the ground. "He likes you...I don't want him to take you away...." He told me still looking down at the sand. I put my hand under his chin, making him look at me. "Yes Dino kissed me, at the time I didn't even know what to do....and I know he likes me but he's not going to take me away from you. I love you and only you so don't worry. Please." I said, brushing my hand against his cheek. He looked at me with those brown eyes of his. They glistened in the sun as it set. He leaned in closer to me and soon we were centimeters apart from each other. He kissed me, making my heart melt like he always did. He's the only person in the world that has made me feel this way. I pulled away, "we should go home." I said as I started to turn around. He took my hand, making turn back towards him. "I don't want to go home." He told me. "The. Where are we going to stay?" I asked. "A hotel." He said. "Y-you mean t-together....." I said. He looked at me and smiled, "Its not like I'm going to do anything to you. Besides we've slept together before remember?" He said. "Y-yeah I do...but that's when I had a nightmare!!" I exclaimed. "Jagiya..." He whined and started pouting. 'Why do you have to pout!!??' I thought. "F-fine we'll stay a-at a hotel! Just don't d-do that!" I said. "Do what? Pout?" He asked smirking. "Y-yes." I said governing my hands with my face. "Jagiya." He whined and started pouting again, removing my hands from my face. "Stop it!" I squealed. He's to cute and that's just a fact.

Woozi POV
We went to a hotel close to where the beach was and got a room for the night. I know I shouldn't have stormed off with (Y/n) but I didn't want her there with Dino and the others at the time. I was just jealous but also mad that he kissed her. My own friend, that I consider as a brother kissed my girlfriend.  (Y/n) and I went to a hotel for the night because I don't want to see the others at the moment. I wanted to ask her a certain question tomorrow but I don't know if she'll say yes.....I mean we're both 20 but she might not be ready....that's the thing. (A/n I don't know if I put their ages in the story but if they are 19 then let's just say they are 20 now ^^). When the others and I had gone to practice a few days ago I stopped by a ring store (Idk what you call them -_-; ) and got a wedding ring. I'm hoping she'll say yes but if she wants to wait then that's okay but if she says no I think I'll die.

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now