Chapter 14

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Seungkwan POV
Dino hasn't been the same lately. 'He really loves her.' I though. I kept wishing that there was something I could do to help him, but I couldn't. Everybody was worried about him. I didn't tell anybody that he liked (Y/n) though. If I told Woozi I don't know what he would do. He hasn't eaten much either, well actually nothing at all. Even our manager started to worry about him. Today we had to go to practice and (Y/n) had to go to school, so we all got ready to leave. Before (Y/n) left she gave everyone a hug but Dino just backed away with his head down and hid behind S. Coups. (Y/n) looked confused but soon left while saying good bye.

S. Coups
When (Y/n) went to go give Dino a hug good bye he backed up with his head down and hid behind me. 'What's wrong with him?' I thought. He hadn't been his usually self for about a week now and we were all getting worried. 'He's going to the doctor today.' I thought. When we were about to leave I made an appointment for him. Also when I say he hasn't been him normal self I mean he won't eat, he keeps getting sick, won't talk, etc. when we go to practice he barley makes it. It's like....something inside of him shattered, like all the light and hope in his gone.

-After Practice-

When we got home everyone had taken a shower and was outside playing with Max except for Dino who was sitting on the couch. "Dino your going to the doctor today." I told him. "Why?" He asked, well more like he lost his voice. "Because you haven't been the same lately and everyone's worried about you." I said. "I don't need to go." He said. "Yes you do Dino, something's wrong and we have to know what it is." I told him grabbing his wrist, my eyes filled with concern. I started to walk to the car still holding Dino's wrist. "I don't need to go to the doctor." He said struggling to get out of my grasp. I turned around and looked at him. "Dino if you don't need to go then tell me why." I said. He was silent. "Your going to the doctor." I said. "I said I DONT NEED TO GO!" He yelled with tears in his eyes and ran off. "DINO!" I yelled. I ran into the house, "Guys Dino ran off!" I told them. "What?!" Everyone screamed. When we went back out front there was no trace of him. 'It's all my fault.' I thought. "We have to find him!" Jeonghan said. "I'll take Max with me. Maybe he can help." (Y/n) said. We all decided to split up and went different directions. If we found him we were to call each other. 'It's all my fault.' Those words kept ringing in my head.

Dino POV
S. Coups Hyung kept telling me I needed to go to the doctor but the doctor wouldn't be able to help me. I wasn't sick at all, just heartbroken. I ran to the creek to clear my thoughts and get rid of the crush I had on (Y/n). "Why did I have to like her?" I say to myself throwing a rock into the water. It was basically a huge forest that I come to when something's troubling me. The others know about it but don't know the whole forest like I do. "It was stupid of me to think I even had a chance with her." I say. I sat on the ground looking into the water seeing my reflection. I felt a pain in my chest, it felt worse than yesterday. I picked up a rock and threw as far as I could. It was starting to get dark outside. 'I'm not going home tonight.' I thought. I walked around the forest trying to find a tree to sleep in, and what I mean for a tree that has branches that won't break when I lay on them. As I was walking I heard a dog braking and saw a flashlight pointed towards me. It was shining it my face so I couldn't see who the person was. But once I saw the dog I knew it was (Y/n). My eyes widened, "I found him guys!" I heard (Y/n), probably into her phone or something. I wasn't taking any chances so I ran as fast as I could. "Dino!" I heard (Y/n) yell as I ran off. When I got deeper into the forest I started to run into trees and trip over rocks etc. I had cut on my arms and one on my cheek but I didn't care. It was hard for me to see in the dark but I tried my best to not kills myself because there are snakes out's not like I would kill myself, that would be terrible. I was still running, I didn't know if I had lost (Y/n) and Max so I turned around to see if the were behind me. Well, that wasn't the best idea because I was still running when I turned my head around and tripped over a tree root that was sticking out of the ground. I felt my foot getting stuck, that's when my leg twisted a way I wish it wouldn't have. "Ahh!" I screamed in pain as I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. My leg was broken. 'I'm so stupid.' I thought. " everyone gonna end up with a broken bone one day? First Woozi broke his arm now I broke my leg?!" I said to myself. I felt light headed every time I tried to stand up so I laid on the ground. Just then I saw I light. "Pretty light." I said smiling while pointing at it. 'Wait no! Don't look into the light Dino! I don't wanna die!' I thought. That's when I realized I wasn't dying it was the flashlight, actually there were more then one...more like, 13?! "Not...leaving..." I said as I stood up. I saw a huge tree branch and used it to help me balance. My leg hurt like crazy but I didnt want to go home. Not now. I just wanted this heartache....this....heart go away. Forever.

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