Chapter 34

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When Woozi had gotten into the hospital they said he had been poisoned. It was the ring that he was wearing. A fan had given it to least our fans would never do that so the person who did it must be working for someone. "If there had been just a little more poison in that ring that he was given he would've died. Your very lucky." The doctor said. "When do you think he will wake up?" Jeonghan asked. "It just depends, maybe tomorrow or maybe even in a few weeks." The doctor told us. We nodded and said our goodbyes since it was time to go home but the nurse said (Y/n) was allow since they were engaged. 'We'll find out who was behind this. I just know it.' I thought as we drove home. Everyone was silent, not talking like we normally do. It's happened to much and we've started to get really mad because of him. He needs to go. For good, and by good I mean death. Young Do needs to die.

Woozi POV

It was dark and I was scared. I couldn't remember what happened before I passed out. I only remember my hand slipping away from (Y/n)'s. 'Where am I?' I thought. All of a sudden I saw red eyes flashing in front of me. I tried to run off but a black hand grabbed a hold of my ankle and dragged me into some type of cage. I looked around trying to find a way out but turned around to see a needle on my arm. It was like the needle where you get a flu shot but this was bigger. I didn't feel anything at all, but I heard (Y/n) screaming my name. I saw someone comes towards me with a knife and they started to cut me with it. That's when I could feel pain. I looked for (Y/n) but my vision turned red for some reason, I held the sides of my head yelling for the hand, that took me by the ankle, to stop everything that was going on. I was sweating like crazy as fresh blood rushed down my arms and the side of my neck. I landed on my knees as the pain got worse.  I saw (Y/n) who was being beat up by someone. I screamed and cried but something, or someone, was holding me back. I could only watch what was happening in front of me.

(Y/n) POV

I was in Woozi's hospital room half asleep and half awake because I didn't want to fall asleep. What if he woke up? Suddenly I heard him scream and he was sweating. I got really scared and worried so I called one of the nurses. She said that he was having and dream and a bad one at that. She told me that he was okay and if I needed anything else for me to call her. When she left after about 20 minutes later I felt someone out there hand on my wrist. I jumped a little, since I get scared easily and turned around to see that Jihoon had woken up. "Opp-" he pulled me towards him, hugging me tight with his hands holding onto my shirt like someone was taking him away from me. "Gajima......please, gajima" he said quietly, he sounded like he was crying. "Jihoon?" I asked looking at him. He had tears rolling down his cheeks, his eyes were closed shut, and he only looked down at the floor. I bent down, wiping his tears away. "I'm not going to leave you. I'm right here." I told him, trying to get him to calm down. He looked at me, a few tears still falling from his eyes and smiled a little. "Jihoon are you sure your okay?" I asked once again. "Dream...." Was all he said. "You had a dream?" I said concerned. He nodded his head like a little kid. "You were b-being hurt a-and all I c-could do w-was watch......" He told me. I called the nurse telling her that he was awake. She said it was good that he was awake and that she would check on him, to make sure nothing else was wrong.

????? POV
I looked out the hospital window of Jihoon's room. 'It wasn't enough poison.' I thought as a sat on the tree branch. "Stupid boy." I said out loud to myself. I jumped off the branch and headed to where Young Do was, which was at his house. "Did the brat die like he was supposed to?" He asked. "No sir, there wasn't enough poison in the ring." I told him. He mumbled something but I didn't hear it. He sighed in an angry tone and got up glaring at me. "Do your job right next time, or else." He hissed walking into his room, slamming the door shut. I've worked for Young Do for 2 years and nothing has ever changed. I've always helped him hurt or kill somebody but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything really. People used to say that I don't have a heart and they're right, I don't. There isn't a need to have a 'heart'. Everybody on this planet are fakes, no one is real...even if they say they are. They'll just hurt you physically or mentally maybe even both sooner or later. So why bother being nice and kind and all that stupid stuff when you can get rid of them once and for all. I'll meet up with you soon Lee Jihoon. Just you wait.

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now