Chapter 10

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(Y/n) POV
"Oppa..... Oppa wake up" I said, tears rolling down my cheeks as I shook Woozi. He wouldn't wake up. "(F/n) I'll call (F/n)" I said. I remembered my bag had fallen out of my hand when I was against the wall. I went over to my bag and grabbed it then dialed (F/n)'s number. "Hello?" (F/n) said. "(F/n)...." I said, my voice cracked. "(Y/n)?! What's wrong are you okay?!" She asked with a worried voice. "W-Woozi...h-he...JUST COME BACK TO THE SCHOOL!" I yelled into the phone. "Okay okay I'll be there in a minute." She said and hung up.

-Time Skip-

Once (F/n) came she ran right over to us. Woozi still hasn't woken up and I'm starting to get worried. "(Y/n)! What happened?!" She asked worried while checking on Woozi. "I-it was Young Do..... H-he beat Woozi up..." I said. "That little.... Ugh!" (F/n) said in an angry tone. "Well first we need to get Woozi to the hospital. " she said. I nodded, "Hey, (F/n)?" I asked. "What?" She said looking at me as we put Woozi in the car beside me in the back. "Young Do and Woozi were talking before they started fighting." I told her. "What did they say?" She asked me. "Well, Young Do had said didn't I tell you to not interfere? Or else you were dead? And Woozi said didn't I tell you if rather die than you being with her.....what does that mean?" I asked. She smiled and looked at me, "It means that Woozi likes you and that he's basically die for you." She told me. I looked at Woozi who had his head on my shoulder. "Then what about Young Do?" I asked. "He just wants you back for no good reason." She said.

(F/n) POV
Woozi was hurt pretty bad, but when I heard what he had said before the fight I knew he liked her. Actually I think he loves her. I smiled to myself. Once we got to the hospital (Y/n) got out and I carried Woozi into the hospital. He's actually pretty light. (Y/n) literally ran up to the front desk crying and talking to the lady and the looked at her then Woozi and me and nodded her head. She talked to one of the nurses and about 2 minutes later Woozi was in a hospital room. "Hey (Y/n)? Why was Woozi's arm just dangling?" I asked. "Y-young Do t-twisted his a-arm and it p-popped and he broke it!" She cried as she was talking. I just looked at her. "(Y/n) he's not gonna die. So don't worry." I said reassuringly. "But I AM worried!" She said hugging me. "You wanna wait here while I go get the others?" I asked. She nodded her head and I went back to the house to get the others. They still don't know about it yet. 'Hopefully (Y/n) will be okay on her own.' I thought.

(Y/n) POV
About 40 minutes after (F/n) had left a nurse came up to me. "Are you Jihoon's friend?" She asked. I nodded, "Is he okay?" I asked on the verge of tears. "He's fine sweetheart. Just a broken arm and some cuts and bruises. Is a good thing you brought him here when you did." She told me. "C-can I see him?" I asked. She nodded, "Come with me. I'll show you the room he's in." She said. "Thank you." I said when she showed me the room he was in. "Your welcome." She told me and smiled. I walked into the room where Woozi was. He had a cast on his arm and a bandage on his head from where the pole had hit him. "Mianhae Oppa....I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you." I said quietly while looking at him. His eyes were still closed, I sat down by him and looked at the cuts that were on his arms and face. "Oppa....please wake up." I said as a tear fell from my cheek. "Please...." I said once again, more tears falling. I held his hand. 'Why is his hand so cold?' I thought. Just then I looked up to see Woozi looking at me. "Hi." He said in a scratchy voice while smiling. "Pabo" I said. "Why would you do that?! You could've been killed." I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face. "Don't cry." He said. "I'm okay. There's nothing to worry about." He told me, wiping away my tears with his free hand. "B-but what i-if you weren't okay. What if y-you never woke up. I- I was worried." I said looking into his eyes. "Hey." He said, holding my hand and looked at me. "Don't play the what if game okay. I'm okay, I woke up. That's all that matters and I'm sorry I worried you." he told me. "I have a question to ask you." I said. "What is it?" He asked looking at me. "Why? Why did you fight Young Do?" I asked holding his hand tighter. Woozi turned his head away from me. "Because......because I love you." He said quietly. I just looked at him. Shocked from what I had just heard. 'H-he loves me....." I thought. Just then the door opened and everyone else came into see Woozi. Woozi smiled and waved at them. "Woozi! (F/n) told us what happened." Dino said rushing over to him. "I'm fine Dino." He said and smiled. "If you get into anymore fights Woozi there might not be much left of you." S. Coups teased. Everyone else laughed and so did Woozi. I smiled, even though it was a fake smile I was just glad everyone was happy and Woozi was alive.

S. Coups POV
Ugh! This boy. He's gonna get killed one day if he fights Young Do! 'At least he's okay' I thought. I looked over at (Y/n). She had a smile on her face but it looked fake. I sat down next to her. "(Y/n)? You okay?" I asked. She nodded her head. "I'm fine S. Coups Oppa." She said. "(Y/n) that smile is fake. What's wrong?" I asked once more. She looked at me then walked outside. I followed her to see her crying uncontrollably. I felt sorry for her. I went over to her and hugged her. "It's okay (Y/n). He's fine." I told her. "I-I don't want y-you guys to get hurt like Woozi did....s-so I'm leaving" she told me. I let go of the hug. "What?! (Y/n) no no no. There's no need for you to leave because of this. It'll be okay (Y/n)! There's no need for you to leave." I told her. "I just don't want you guys to get hurt....or killed." She said. "(Y/n) we'll be fine. Please don't leave! Woozi l-" I got cut off by (Y/n). "I know he loves me. He told's just that I don't want you guys getting hurt and besides if you love something you have to let it go right?" She said smiling as tears fell from her cheeks. She wiped away her tears and went back inside with the others leaving me out in the hallway speechless. We all stayed for a little bit longer then went home. But (Y/n) stayed at the hospital.

(Y/n) POV
I had made up my mind. I was gonna leave. Since Young Do knew where I lived and knew who my friends and family were, I was leaving. I stayed at the hospital that night with Woozi. 'I'll leave a note for him in the morning and the I'll leave.' I thought. I looked at Woozi who was sleeping peacefully. I started to write the note I was going to leave for him. I cried as I wrote the note knowing this would probably be the last time I would see him. "Mianhae Woozi...." I said quietly. After I wrote the note I fell asleep.

-Time Skip-

I woke up early in the morning and folded the letter into a little heart. Woozi was still asleep so I put the letter in Woozi's hand and looked at him one last time. "I'm sorry I have to leave Oppa." I said then kissed him on the forehead. My smile soon turned into a frown and tears formed in my eyes. 'I just have to go get Max from the house and my stuff....then I'll be going.' I thought to myself. I took a Taxi back to the house and got everything I needed and Max. Everyone was asleep at the house to, which in actually glad they were. "Good bye everyone." I said quietly while looking at the house. I opened the front door, "Come on Max let's go." I told him and we left to go live somewhere else.

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now