Chapter 36

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(Photo above is what you two are wearing there is also a song so idk which one will show up first)

-Day of the wedding-

(Y/n) POV
Today was the wedding and (F/n) and my mom were helping me get ready. I already had my dress on and make up done, but I still needed to do my hair. "Should I put it in a bun or should I keep it down?" I asked (F/n) and my mom. "Anyway you want I guess." (F/n) said. "But what would Jihoon like?" I asked. "Sweetie Jihoon loves you and that's all that matters, besides I'm pretty sure he'd like either way." My mom told me reassuringly. "Then I'll just put my hair up..." I said. my mom helped me and it turned out great. (Your hair is like the girl in the photo). After about an hour or two it was almost time for the wedding to start. "I'm so nervous..." I said out loud. "Don't worry you'll be just fine." Jihoon's dad told me. Since I don't have a dad he offered to walk me down the isle, he's a really sweet man and I kindly took the offer. The music started to play as I walked down the aisle, I could see Jihoon standing at the end with smile on his face. I smiled as well and when I went to go stand by him his dad told me that he loved me and went to go sit down with the rest of the family. The preacher started to talk and we said or vows, putting the ring on each others finger. "You may now kiss the bride" The preacher said. We kissed and the whole place was filled with cheering. When we parted we smiled and walked down the isle while everyone was clapping and cheering. We had an after party that lasted for over 4 hours. We ate cake played games and went down by the beach. The place we had the wedding at was right by the beach and the sunset was beautiful. I'm just glad that I get to sped the rest of my life with the man I love the most.

Woozi POV

When (Y/n) walked down the isle I was mesmerized by her. She looked.....there's no word for it....that's just it. I can't describe how beautiful she is. I smile when she walks up to me and we stand side by side. The preacher started to talk and we said our vows, putting our rings on each others finger. "You may now kiss the bride." The preacher said. I kissed (Y/n) and in the background you could hear everyone cheering. When we parted we walked down the isle while everyone in the room was clapping and cheering. We even had an after party that lasted over 4 hours. We ate cake, played games, and went down to the beach as well. The place we had the wedding at was right by the beach and let me tell you something, the sunset was beautiful, but not as beautiful as my wife. 'I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with the women I love the most.' I thought. "Jagiya guess what?" I said as we drove around town. "What?" She asked looking at me. "Your mom got us a house." I told her with a smile on my face. "Oh my gosh! Are you serious!?" She asked excitedly. "Very serious." I told her with a small laugh. "Yay!" She squealed. I laughed at her cute reaction. "What's so funny?" She asked. "It's not funny, it's just that I find your reactions really cute." I told her. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her blushing, I smiled and kept looking at the road ahead of me until we pulled into the driveway of our house. We walked inside and the house was beautiful. It had cream colored walls and four bedrooms along with three restrooms. "I love it!" (Y/n) said with a huge smile on her face. "I'm glad you like it." I told her. We walked into the master bedroom and there was a huge bed. "Wow!" (Y/n) said jumping on it and laying down. "Your such a child at times." I told her with a small laugh. "And you are to mr.cutieface." She told me, laughing. "Yah! I'm not cute!" I whined. "Yes you are." She said. I sighed giving up, "Fine fine but your the only person I will ever let call me cute and not get hurt." I told her, as I laid on the bed with her. She yawned and stretched, 'She's like a kitten.' I thought with a smile on my face. "Kyeopta." I said. She just looked at me, "I'm tired." She told me, rubbing hers eyes. "I am too." I said petting her head. "Oh! I almost forgot I have something for you! Well both of us really." She told me and got up and left the room. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Just waite a minute I'll be right there." She said. "Okay" I said back. She came back in the room a few minutes later with a t-shirt and pants. I had a confused look on my face. "They're couple pajamas." She said with a smile on her face.

(Y/n) POV

"Couple pajamas." I said with a smile. "I like them." Jihoon said. "Really?" I asked, they said wife and husband in pink letters while the shirts were blue and they came with black pants. "Yes really. I think they're adorable and you'd look adorable in it too." He told me with a wide grin. "Go change into yours." I said. "Okay" He said, but started to follow me. "Nu uh. You can go change over there." I said pointing to the bathroom on the right side of the hall. "Wae?" He whined. "Beacause I said so." I said sticking my tongue out. He did the same thing and we went to go change. After I came out I saw Jihoon sitting in our room on the bed. "You look super cute Jagiya." He said with a small laugh.  "and you look handsome" I told him. I yawned a minute later and we soon got into bed and fell asleep. 'I can't believe I married my best friend.' I thought and fell asleep.

Hey guys! This is the end of my book and I hope you liked it! I'm making a sequel and the first chapter will be out soon!  I'm thankful to everyone who has read this too. It's means a lot to me. You guys are amazing! I'm so glad to have readers like you. Love you guys! -Kirito109

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now