Chapter 33

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-Day of the fan sign- (I'm lazy so I did another time skip :P)
(Y/n) POV
Today was another fan sign but they weren't having a concert today. Just a fan sign which I don't understand but they are asking questions to the members as well. (F/n) and I sat behind the boys talking about random stuff like dogs, Kpop groups, etc. we watched the fans give things to the members like bows, hats, etc. but someone in particular caught my eye. She had brown hair in pigtails and brown eyes while wearing a school uniform. She had just given Jihoon a ring but I started to wonder about her. She didn't look like a fan, I mean she looked like she wanted to kill one of them or something. 'Something isn't right.' I thought, as I looked at them. She smiled at him but then looked back at me and (F/n) and had an evil look on her face while she was smirking. Then she walked off. "Did you see that?" I asked (F/n) as I shook her by the arm. "Yeah I did." She said looking at me a little worried herself. The thing is, is that Woozi seemed just fine. He was still smiling and saying hi to the fans like he normal does, but when the fans started to ask questions he looked a little different. He looked paler and kept shaking his head side to side like he was dizzy, he even held onto his chest at one point. S. Coups was sitting next to him at the time and noticed how he was acting as well. "Are you okay?" I heard him ask. Woozi just shook his head yes but I knew something was up, something was wrong. I kept watching Woozi as the fans asked questions and about 10 minutes before it was over he got up and walked off. I heard him say that he'd be right back. I saw the fans watch him as he left. I got up and followed him. He sat down on a bench where the fans couldn't see him and sat there in silence. "Jihoonie, are you okay?" I asked. At that moment he shook his head no. He shook as fast as he could. "What's wrong?" I asked bending down moving his bangs out of his face. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. I looked at him confused and worried he had his eyes closed shut as tight as he could. He then put his hand on his chest and started to breath really fast like he was having trouble breathing. "Yah! Jihoon! Stop panicking your scaring me!" I said as I started to panic as well. I called (F/n) name and she came over to Jihoon and I. "What's wrong with him?!" She asked freaking out. "Stop freaking out! Because I'm panicking and he's panicking and your not helping!" I scream. "The fan sign just ended. I'll go get S. Coups oppa." She said and ran off.

Woozi POV
I started to feel weird when the fans started asking questions. I felt dizzy and my chest hurt but I just shrugged it off. S. Coups asked if I was alright and I told him that I was fine. I think about 10 before the whole event was over I wasn't feeling to well. I told S. Coups that is be right back but I don't honk I would be. There was a huge pain in my chest and I couldn't breath or think straight. I sat on a bench where the fans couldn't see me and I saw (Y/n) bend down in front of me. "Jihoonie, are you okay?" She asked. I couldn't hold the pain in any longer I shook my head no, as fast as I could to. It hurt so much, everything hurt and I didn't know why. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked me as she moved my bangs away from my eyes so she could see me. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I felt like I was dying at that moment. 'What's wrong with me?' I thought. I knew (Y/n) was worried but the pain grew and I I closed my eyes as tight as I could. My chest was hurting real badly, I put my hand over it but I knew it wouldn't help. I tried breathing but I couldn't. Nothing I did was helping me, I tried but I kept struggling for air like I was drowning. I started to panic out of nowhere. "Yah! Jihoon! Stop panicking your scaring me!" (Y/n) said, she started to panic as well. She didn't know what was wrong with me, no one did so she had a reason to panic. She called (F/n) over to help but she started to freak out to and went to go get S. Coups. I couldn't take it anymore, I sat there swaying side to side losing my breath and I started to sweat. "Jihoon!" Was all I heard before I fell to the ground. I felt like I was about to pass out or even die. I kept my eyes open, well barely and looked at (Y/n) for as long as I could. Just then I saw S. Coups and the others coming towards me with worried looks on their faces. I smiled a little 'you guys finally came' I thought. My eyes were about to close but S. Coups kept telling me not to close my eyes. "He's freezing you guys!" Hoshi screamed. "Woozi don't close your eyes you have to stay awake! Joshua's calling an ambulance. Just stay away please!" S. Coups told me. I knew he was worried but I didn't know how much longer my eyes would stay open. (Y/n) was holding onto my hand at the time, I squeezed her hand saying it would be alright. DK and S. Coups tried sitting me up, which worked but my eyes soon closed and the last thing I felt was my hand slipping away from (Y/n)'s.

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