Chapter 35

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Woozi POV
I've been out of the hospital for a few days now and it's only a few days before our wedding as well. I'm really happy that I'm spending the rest of my life with the girl I love but I'm also worried about Young Do coming back. All of Seventeen was at practice right now while doing recordings as well. We're all tired and sweaty but we don't really care because right now we get to eat! "Hyung! Just one soda!" Dino whined, trying to get the soda that was in S. Coups hand. "Aniyo! You've already had 2!" He exclaimed. "But I want another one!" Dino screamed hopping up and down. "Dino whining isn't going to get you another soda." Jun told him. Dino walked over to Jun and sat in front of him. "Can I have your soda....." He asked, like his life depended on it. "Dino...." He said with a sigh. "PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Dino screamed. We all looked at him with a glint in our eyes and a smirk on our faces. "Anything?" Hoshi asked. "Y-yes...? Yes yes I will!" Dino told us. "Okay then." Jeonghan said. "We'll give you a soda, on one condition." Joshua told him. "Go outside and yell I'm a free man! No one can hold me captive! And laugh like your crazy. Then come back inside." THE8 said. "W-what!?" Dino squealed. "Ugh fine..." He told us and walked outside. "IM A FREE MAN! NO ONE CAN HOLD ME CAPTIVE! Hahahahahaha!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and came back inside. "Now give me my soda." He said embarrassed. We all laughed but gave him the soda anyways. These guys are to much. I smiled at them and soon we were practicing again.

(Y/n) POV
(F/n) and I were at the house watching TV while Max was asleep. "We can do this!" (F/n) said. We were going to concur our fears of horror movies and everything scary. We had a bowl of popcorn for each of us and just put a movie in. It was halfway into the movie by now and a guy just popped out making us both scream, which woke Max up. We held onto each other the whole time, maybe I shouldn't have turned off all the lights. All of a sudden we heard the front door squeak like it was being opened. We had such a big reaction, "AHHH!!" I screamed standing up which made the popcorn in my lap go everywhere and (F/n) just ran for it. She never runs!, well now she is..."why are all the lights off?" I sighed in relief, it was only the boys. They walked in and all of a sudden a ghost like person popped out onto the TV screen which made me scream and run towards Woozi and Dino, Hoshi, and THE8 all screamed as well. They ran off in different directions but ran into each other at some point. Don't ask me how because I wasn't even looking at anybody I just heard a thud and three people saying 'ow'. I had my face hidden in Woozi's shirt holding onto him tight. Max started to bark which made me scream again because I didn't know he was going to bark and I was still scared because of the movie. "Why were you watching horror movies?" Woozi asked concerned. "(F/n) and I thought we could get over our fears if we watched a horror movie...." I mumbled into his shirt. "Next time don't watch horror movies without the rest of us because I'm pretty sure the five of you guys aren't going to sleep tonight." He told me. I looked at Dino, THE8 and Hoshi, they had only seen a part of it and they were pale like they had just seen a ghost! Well in real life I mean.

-At night-

Woozi POV
It was time for bed and THE8, Dino, Hoshi, (Y/n), and (F/n) wouldn't go to bed. "What if he comes for us!?" (Y/n) said. "Who?" I asked. "Those monsters that were on TV!" She whined like a 3 year old. When she watches horror movies it's like she a little kid who's scared all the time. "They aren't real." I told her. "Yes they are!" The other said in sync. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Monsters aren't real guys." I told them. "Yes they are!" They said like they had actually seen on in real life. We kept arguing about how monsters were real and how they aren't real, it ended when S. Coups told us to be quiet and for them to go in one of the others room so that they wouldn't be as scared. I saw Wonwoo go up behind (Y/n) and the others and he poked them while saying boo. They really don't need to watch scary movies because they all jumped and screamed. (Y/n) ran to me while all the others ran to S. Coups. "Really Wonwoo...." S. Coups said. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He said while laughing. "It's not funny!" (F/n) screamed. "Okay okay it wasn't funny." He told us and went back to his room. "Night." He said. "Night." S. Coups and I said in sync. 'This is going to be a long night' I thought. (Y/n) came with me to my room, (F/n) went with S. Coups and Seungkwan, and Dino, hoshi, and THE8? They went with Jeonghan and Jun. those three are going to be scared by the first noise they hear. They can't even watched a commercial on tv without getting scared. I laid in my bed with (Y/n) by my side. "What if they come for me?" She whispered burying her head under the covers trying to hide. I just smiled and lifter the covers up so I could see her. "Jagiya nothing is going to come for you." I told her. She came out from under the covers, "Are you sure.....?" She asked, still scared. "I'm sure." I said reassuringly. She got as close as she could to me wrapping her arms around me. "Just to make sure the monsters don't take me away from you." She said laying her head down by my chest. "Whatever you say (Y/n)." I said, stroking her hair then putting my arms around her as well. I kissed her on the forehead, "good night (Y/n)." I said. "Good night Jihoonie." She told me and soon fell asleep.

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