Chapter 21

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I woke up early this morning and decided to see if Woozi was okay since he just came back from the hospital, but what I saw was cute!......So I took photos! I mean who couldn't take photos? It was too cute..okay i'll stop talking about photo's now. When I opened Woozi's door, quietly, I saw him and (Y/n) sleeping together!! I laughed a little then went to go get Jeonghan, Mingyu, and Vernon so they could see for themselves since they had just woken up too. "Look at this." I whispered while smiling. We all looked at each other and smirked. "Let's not say anything for now and show the others these pics I took when they all wake up except for Jihoon and (Y/n)." I said. They all nodded their heads and we high fived, again quietly, and closed the door then walked down stairs and made breakfast. After a while everyone else came down stairs except for Dino, Jihoon, and (Y/n). "Can't wait to see their reaction to this." I said to Vernon. "I know right!" He said laughing eating his breakfast. "Don't talk with your mouthful! You might choke." Jeonghan said. "Okay mom.~" We said teasingly. He just looked at us and ate his breakfast as well.

Woozi POV

I woke up to see a beautiful angel in front of me. Not just any angel....My angel. (Y/n) was still sleeping like a baby. I smiled, watching her sleep. Just knowing she was safe made me feel safe and happy. I kissed her forehead and got out of bed, 'I should let her sleep.' I thought looking at her peaceful expression. I turned around looking in the mirror and fixed my hair.  "Jihoon?" I heard (Y/n) say. I turned around and smiled walking over to my bed. "Morning." I said sitting down next to her. She looked at me still sleepy and crawled over to me, laying her head on my shoulder. "Your still sleepy?" I asked with a chuckle. "Mm hmm." She said taking my hand and held onto it. "But you've gotta wake up." I said patting her head. "I don't wanna.....lets just sleep." She told me. "Come on." I said dragging her to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and made sure the water was warm then washed her face. "Oppa~" she whined. "Don't oppa me right now." I said laughing as I gave her a towel to wipe her face. When we went downstairs everyone looked at us. "What?" I asked. They just smiled. "Did you two have fun last night?" DK said while smirking. "What do you m-... WHAT NO! WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!" I yelled. "Mm hmmm." Hoshi said looking at me. "She came into my room last night because she had a bad dream!!" I exclaimed. "Sure she did Woozi. We'll just say that's what it was. A 'bad dream'." THE8 said quoting bad dream with his fingers. I face palmed. "Yah! We didn't do anything at all!" (Y/n) said in a low tone. Everyone looked at her for a moment. "Whatcha gonna do about it huh?" Vernon said laughing. When all of a sudden his laughing stopped because (Y/n) threw a pillow, that was on the couch, at him. She got more pillows and the others stood together in fear. "NOONA DON'T DO IT!" Dino yelled. "WHAAA!" They all screamed. "(Y/n) don't do it!" I said but she threw a pillow at me too. "SHE THREW A PILLOW AT HER OWN BOYFRIEND!! RUN FOR IT!!" Hoshi yelled. Everyone ran in a different direction and hid. Max followed (F/n) and I was left alone on the floor. It actually hurt when she threw the pillow. She came towards me. "Don't hurt me." I said holding my arms up to my face. She took my hand and dragged me to where DK was. Where's the phone." She said. "Why do you want it!?" He asked. She started to whine. "OPPA WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!" She said getting on her knees. She gave him puppy eyes that made me blush like an idiot. He sighed and gave her the phone which she took and looked at his photos. We saw the ones he had of us and she deleted them. "Thank you DK oppa." She said and walked off. We looked at each other confused. "Why is she acting like that?" He asked me. "I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders.

-Time Skip-

(Y/n) POV
I don't know why I got so mad but I did. I'm a really good actor aren't I. I smiled as I went into the kitchen to get me something to drink. I opened the fridge when all of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and someone lay their head on my shoulder. I turned my head a little to see Woozi looking at me. "Whatcha want?" I asked. "Why were you mad then sad then happy a while ago? Are you on yo-" I covered his mouth with my hand. "No I'm not." I said while blushing. "Why are you blushing like that?" He asked smiling. "B-because no one has ever said that to me...well not a boy and especially not you." I said embarrassed. He kissed me on the cheek. "You shouldn't be embarrassed. I know about that stuff. 1) I had to learn about it in school, which was a nightmare and 2) I have a mom. So I understand that sort of stuff." He said. I was silent for a moment. "What about we go shopping?" He asked. "You like shopping?" I asked him. He nodded, "yeah I like shopping. We can even go to one of those couple stores and get couples T-shirts and stuff like that." He said in a happy tone. 'Ah Jihoon...why do you have to be so cute...' I thought. "Sure." I said smiling. "Yay! How about we go in about 10 minutes?" He asked. "I'm gonna need longer than that. I have to put on makeup." I told him. "You don't need makeup (Y/n). Your perfect without it." He said holding my hand. "I'm still putting it on." I told him. "But you don't need to. Please don't." He said. I sighed, "Fine I won't put any makeup on." I tell him. He smiled and let go of my hand. "I love you." He said while smiling. "Love you too Jihoonie." I said and walked upstairs to my room to get ready. 'That boy's cuteness and niceness is going to be the death of me.' I thought.

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now