Chapter 16

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Dino POV
I got bit by a snake while I was in the ditch...that was huge! I couldn't tell what kind of snake it was though. After a while I wasn't feeling well. That's when S. Coups hyung got me out of the ditch. I could hear everyone's voices and Mingyu kept asking me questions. I saw this light and I saw a cat. 'Hey look there's my cat.' I thought. "Can I go to sleep?" I asked Mingyu. "No no no! Dino you can't go to sleep!" He said. "But I feel weird and I'm tired." I told him. The thing was was that it didn't feel like I was tired. Well not normally tired. It felt like all my pain was going away. After a lot of questions Mingyu picked me up and I heard Jun say we had to hurry. Why did we need to hurry? "Mingyu...." I said in a raspy voice. "N-nae?" He asked. "My's finally going away." I told him smiling. "W-what do y-you mean Dino?" He asked in a worried tone. "Seungkwan...." I pointed to where Seungkwan was...well at least I think that was him. "Seungkwan!" Mingyu yelled. I heard footsteps come near us. "What?" He asked. "Dino said his heartache is finally going away....what does that mean?!" He said. After that I couldn't hear anything, just someone putting me in a car. 'Maybe if I close my eyes for a few minutes they won't notice...' I thought. I closed my eyes and felt better.

Hoshi POV
I sat next to Dino who was awake.....I think? I got closer to him and no! No no no! He wasn't awake! Crap! "Dino wake up." I whispered. He didn't wake up. I shook him a few times. Still won't wake up. "DINO WONT WAKE UP!!!!" I yelled in the car. "WHAT?!" Everyone yelled! "I SAID D-" "We heard you!!" Vernon said as he cut me off. "What do we do!?" DK said. "We're almost to the hospital....just...." S. Coups trailed off. 'Please be okay Dino' I thought.

-Time Skip-

(Y/n) POV
When we got to the hospital everyone was either crying or just about falling asleep from crying. We were all really worried about Dino. No one knew why he had run off....well at least that's what we thought. Seungkwan had told everyone while Woozi had gone to the bathroom. None of us were going to tell Woozi anyway because he'd probably kill Dino at some point.....but I never knew that Dino felt this way about me. "So it's all my fault, huh?" I said to myself. "It's not you fault (Y/n)." Jeonghan said. "It feels like it..." I told him. Jeonghan Oppa.... Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked. "He'll be fine." Jeonghan said, patting my head.

Joshua POV
After a few hours the doctor came outside. Everyone got up and went towards him. He looked at us for a moment. "Your very lucky. If he had gotten here about a minute or two later he wouldn't have made it." He said. Everyone was silent for a moment then we all hugged crying with tears of joy. "C-can we see him?" Hoshi asked. The doctor nodded and we all walked to Dino's room. When we walked in we just stood there for a minute. He had a cast on his leg, he had cuts on his arms that were healing, and he had a bandage on his hand from the snake bite. "Hi guys...." He said in a small voice while smiling. "You pabo! We were really worried about you!" THE8 said. We all went up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry...." He told us. Just then the doctor walked in. "Dino will have to stay here for about 3 days (a/n idek if people stay that long but whateva! :3) then he can go home." He said. "Okay, thank you." S. Coups said. "Well, we should go home. It's getting late. We'll see you tomorrow Dino." Vernon said. "Bye!" We all waved and started to leave.

(Y/n) POV
I was the last one in the room with Dino. Right when I was about to leave I went up to Dino and hugged him. "Please don't do that ever worried me to death. Also, I know why you haven't been the same Seungkwan told me, and everyone else except for Woozi. I'm sorry Dino..." I told him. "It's not your fault (Y/n), so there's nothing for you to be sorry's my fault, for falling in love with you." He said looking down. I stood there shocked, it's my fault, for falling in love with you. Those words kept ringing in my head. "I should go....I'll see you tomorrow." I said. When I turned around I felt Dino grab my hand. "N-noona....Saranhaeyo. Just to let you know I'll never stop loving you. Even when I die, I'll always remember you." He said and let go of my hand. I stood there for a minute then walked out of the room. "You okay (Y/n)?" Woozi asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Let's go home." I told him. He nodded while smiling the took my hand in his and we walked to the car. When he asked if I was okay I actually didn't feel okay at all. I didn't know what to do. What Dino had just told was stuck in my head like a dream but also a nightmare.....what if a Young Do finds out about Dino? What if he comes after me or the others? So many questions were soaring through my mind. 'What will happen when I go to school?' I thought to myself.

-Time skip-

When we got home we were all really tired and went to sleep. But tonight I just couldn't fall asleep. It was because I kept thinking of Dino, the others, and especially Young Do. "What do I do?" I asked myself as I lay in the darkness of my room. "Why does it have to be me? Why does everything have to happen to me? My life is terrible....." I told myself all these things before I finally fell asleep.

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