100 Facts about me!

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Thank you @KGirl1, for taging me in this!

Sorry it's not an update you guys! I'll update again soon!

*Rules: Don't be a party pooper! Once you've been tagged your supposed to write a post with 100 truths about you. At the end choose 20 people to be tagged*

The 20 people i'm tagging: R5SwifterSalior bubbletea_yehet jacquiLynn schoolwiz512 HopefulPanda15 DucksQuack Trulyinsane227 AmeriThaiKong Kittens_1 EEEvangel alyaa_1012 army-kpopper marrenteria20 onlyswimming12 cutieyeol R5IsAmazing4eva YuNaisy02 CandyNotes woo-zi _Silver_Flame_

1. Real Name: Hayley Botello

2. Nickname: Hay Hay or Lenny (mostly Hay Hay)

3. Favorite Color: All of them :3

4. Male or Female: Female of course XD

5. Elementary School: Nope

6. Middle School: Yes! In 8th grade

7. High school: Nope

8. College: not even close as you can see

9. Hair color: brown with blonde highlights

10. Height: 5' but I do look really short.

11. Sweat or Jeans: jeans

12. Phone or Camera: Phone!!

13. Health Freak: No....

14. Orange or Apple: Orange :D

15. Do you have a crush on someone?: SONG JOONG KI!!!!....... Hehehehe ^^;

16. Guy friends or girl friends: have both, all amazing friends.

17. Piercings: yes! Ear piercings, that's it

18. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi! I hate coke.

19. Have you ever been on a airplane?: No and I never want to go on one unless I'm going to Korea because I'm afraid of heights and I'm afraid the plane might crash >~<

20. Have you ever been in a relationship? Yes

21. Have you ever been in a car accident?: Yes but only once, it was terrible and I was afraid to get back into the car for about a month or longer can't remember.

22. Have you ever been in a fist fight?: No and I never want to be in one

23. First piercing?: when I was a baby.... I think  about a year old... I can't remember and that was for ear piercings.

24. Best friend: I have a few

25. First award: back in elementary

26. First crush: 3rd grade

27. First word: I have no clue....

28. Any talent?: singing, dancing, and drawing

29. Last person I talked to: Song Joong Ki...jk I talked to him while watching A werewolf boy... Once again. Lol....I'd actually have to say my sister was the last person I talked to.

30. Last person I texted: my friend

31. Last person I watched a movie with: I have no clue.... I watch movies alone because my parents hate kpop, kdramas, etc. so I usually isolate myself in my room and if they ever find out about me watching and listening to this stuff Ill run away and live with other family or something, idk.

32. Last thing you ate: Ramen

33. Last movie/TV show you watched: A werewolf boy and My love from another star (I watch these two things so much! I've seen them over 20 times at least!)

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