Chapter 18

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Woozi POV
It was dark and cold. I heard voices around me telling me to wake up and answer them. I tried to but I couldn't, nothing would come out of my mouth. I heard an ambulance but only saw darkness. It felt like I was in pain but I couldn't figure out where. 'Why is it so dark?' I thought. I wanted to see everyone.....someone please.....tell me what's going on.

We found Woozi on the roof of the building we located him at. "Jihoon! Wake up." I said panicking. I shook him but nothing happened. He was freezing and wasn't moving at all. I couldn't even tell if he was breathing. I heard the ambulance in the distance. "We have to get him downstairs as fast as we can." S. Coups said. I nodded, letting S. Coups pick him up and bringing him downstairs. When we got to the ambulance a lady asked us what happened but none of us really knew what happened at all. "He never told us where he was going so we really don't have any clue." I told her. She nodded her head and put Woozi on the stretcher. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Jun asked. "I-I don't know....." I told him. "Let's get back to the hospital." Hoshi said. We all ran back to the hospital which wasn't far away.

Woozi POV
I opened my eyes, barely, to see I was inside an ambulance. I coughed but it hurt a lot. I groaned, "your awake." The lady said. "It hurts." I say in a whispered tone. I could barely speak as well. "What hurts sweetheart?" She asked in a concerned tone. " hurts." I said. I didn't know what was hurting but my body felt light and I didn't know what to say. I felt like I couldn't stay up for long, I felt tired like I wanted to sleep for a long time. I started to panic. "What's your name?" The lady asked. "J-Jihoon." I said. "Well Jihoon don't panic okay. Your going to be fine." She told me trying to calm me down. "But my friends he'll come after them. He'll hurt them! He'll-" she cut me off as I panicked even more while sitting up. "Sweetheart who is he? Was he the one that hurt you?" She asked. "N-nae" I said. "Do you remember what happened?" She asked as she made me lay back down. I shook my head and told her everything even his name. "We'll make sure the police look for him but right now you need to calm down. Do you understand?" She told me. It hurt just talking but if he was going after the others right now I was worried. I shook my head no. I understood that I should calm down but I couldn't. "I-I can't." I told her. Something in the truck started beeping. "Jihoon your heart rate is going up you need to calm down." She said. I shook my head violently. "N-no....." I said as I started breathing heavily. Just then she grabbed something and I felt a sharp pain on the side of my arm. Then...everything was spinning and it went black.

-Time skip-

(Y/n) POV
Everyone (except DK, S. Coups, Hoshi, and Jun) was now at the hospital waiting to hear about Woozi. Dino had been able to go home a while ago and we were all happy but when we heard about Jihoon I almost bursts into tears. We were all sitting in the waiting room for the ambulance to come back when all of a sudden and ambulance pulled up outside and a stretcher was pulled out. When they came in they were running faster than normal....that's when I noticed it was Woozi. I covered my mouth with my hands and landed on my knees crying. I only saw him for a second but he had a huge gash on the side of his arm and there was blood on his shirt and face. My hair covered my face. Then I felt someone kneel down in front off me and hug me. "It's okay (Y/n). It's gonna be okay." It was Hoshi. He hugged me and pat my head. I knew all the members were worried as well because of the look on their faces and it was silent. 'Please be okay.' I thought. Just then a doctor came towards us. "I'm Jihoon's doctor....May I speak to Ms. (L/n) alone?" He asked. Everyone looked at him and nodded yes. We went down the hallway and after about 2 minutes he stopped me in front of a room. "I wanted to let you know that the police called and that you guys will be safe. They found Young Do and his men and they all went to jail." He told me. More tears rolled down my cheeks, but this time it was for relief and joy. But Jihoon was still on my mind. "W-wait. What about Jihoon i-is he o-okay?" I asked worried. The doctor was silent for a moment. We aren't sure about that yet. It looks like he got shot by something that made him fall asleep for a few days....he could even be in a coma that could last for months because of it. He also lost a lot of blood, he might not make it.....but I will be sure to let you know about him." He told me. I nodded as tears rolled down my cheeks, they weren't happy tears but they were sad and terrified tears. "I promise I will tell you everything I can." He said. "O-okay..." I said softly, then walked off to where the others were. "What did he say?" Mingyu asked. "He told me that Young Do and his men were sent to jail." I told them. "What about Jihoon-hyung?" Dino asked. I was silent and started crying. "H-he said t-that he could be in a coma or....h-he won't....h-he won't m-make it." I told them covering my face. It was quite but I felt a group of arms wrap around me. "We'll make it through this together (Y/n)." S. Coups said with a sad smile. After a while we went home and I went straight to my room locking the door. I never wanted to come out of there. Not until I never Woozi was alive. "You have to live Jihoon.....we need you.......I need you. I love you." I say to myself curling up into a ball with Max by my side.

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