Chapter 23

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-Concert Day-

Woozi POV

We were getting ready for the concert today and I was really nervous. What happens if the camera doesn't see it? What if I lose it? Multiple things were going through my mind as I got ready."Why do you look so nervous Jihoon?" S. Coups asked. "What if the camera doesn't see my ring or I lose it?" I say looking at him. I was super worried and scared. "It'll be okay. We'll help you out." He told me. I nodded my head and right after that it was time to go on stage. 'Well, here goes nothing.' I thought. We all walked onto the stage and waved to the fans. I laughed as soon as I got on stage because I saw a ton of posters that had (Y/n)'s and my name on it. I pointed to the poster showing the others. They smiled and laughed too. The first song that we were doing tonight was shinning diamond. I tried to show my ring but every time I did I think the camera zoomed out. The next song we played was Adore U. Thankfully Hoshi helped me out and pointed to my ring. Then near the ending everyone pointed at my hand again. The last song we sang was 20. When we finished we were all sweaty but happy that we got to see the fans. "Thank you everyone for coming out to see-" "GO (S/N)!!!!" The fans yelled. We all laughed. "Like I said thanks for seeing us tonight and just to let you know if you go and watch it on your computers or Tv's later on there's something you might see." I said smiling. "It's on his hand!!" Hoshi screamed. The fans went crazy. "I've gotta say it." THE8 said. "Let's say it together." Hoshi said into the mic. "1, 2, 3! WOOZI PROPOSED TO (Y/n)!!" They yelled. The fans went nuts. "N-no!!! It wasn't a proposal. That's what you want to happen." I said through the mic. I looked at everyone, "They are just couple rings." I said. The whole crowd said 'awwww' like they really want us to be married. "You want them to be married!?" DK asked the crowd. They screamed like crazy. "See they want you to get married and we do too!" Wonwoo said. "In the future." I said. The fans screamed louder than ever. "Thank you for coming everyone and goodnight!" Mingyu said and we walked off the stage waving to the fans.

(Y/n) POV
(F/n) and I sat in the living room with Max watching Seventeen's performance. We saw the ring show up when the camera came close to them. "WHAAAAAA!!" We screamed jumping up and down on the couch. When we heard the last part about getting married one day we both screamed once more jumping on the couch like idiots. Just then I got a call from my mom. "Yeoboseyo?" I say. "So when am I gonna get a grand child?" She said. "MOM! IT A COUPLE RING!" I shouted. I knew she was watching them preform she like Kpop idols and kdramas like me as well. "Still he did say 'in the future'" she told me. "Y-yeah but that d-doesn't mean it's gonna happen." I say. "Well I guess I'll have to wait for a grandchild and besides you've know Jihoon for a long time. You guys are best friends. I know he's gonna marry you." She said. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I said nothing. Talk to you later sweetie. Bye!" She said like she knew something and with that she hung up. "Well that was weird." I said to myself. "I bet she's hiding something from you." (F/n) said. "I mean come on she wants you to get married all ready! I want you to also though...with Jihoon that is." She said. I just looked at her. "What?! I mean he's 20 and your turning 20 in a week! So it's perfect!" She says while daydreaming. "Also..." She stopped for a moment. "HAVE A KID! I WANT TO BE AN AUNT EVEN THOUGH IM YOUR FRIEND!!" She whined/yelled. "Y-you mean at this age?" I asked a little dazed. "I don't know maybe next year sometime would be nice..." She said pouting. I flicked her on the forehead which I know hurt because it left a mark.

-Time Skip-

Hoshi POV
When we got home we saw (Y/n) and (F/n) asleep on the couch. Well (Y/n) was on the floor while (F/n) was on the couch. We all laughed but not loudly since we didn't want to wake them up. We all went up to our rooms and laid down since we were tired as well. As soon as I laid down on my bed I fell right asleep.

-In Hoshi's dream-
"Hoshi~" someone said. It sounded like a girls voice. I turned around but I only saw a figure. I couldn't tell who it was at all. "Who are you?" I asked. She giggled and ran the other direction. "H-hey! W-wait!" I said, running after her. Then everything went white. No one was there. I walked around which seemed like forever and saw everyone in Seventeen standing together. Well that's what I thought. Woozi and Dino were fighting. It looked like they hated each other. I didn't like it. "Guys stop fi-" I tried to reach my hand out to them but they were all gone in a blink of an eye.
-Hoshi's dream ending-

I woke up and looked around the room but it was silent in the house. I decided to get up and take a shower then head down stairs. "I wonder why I had a dream like that....." I said to myself as I walked into the restroom. I'm starting to wonder why I had that dream in the first place. Was it actually going to happen?

Living with Seventeen! {Woozi x Reader} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now