Chapter 7

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(F/n) POV

I put everyone in a 'specific' order. Hehehehe. "Okay Vernon your first, then DK, Seungkwan, Jeonghan, THE8, Hoshi, Dino, (Y/n), Woozi, Joshua, Jun, S. Coups, Wonwoo, and lastly Mingyu" I said. "Nu uh! Your playing too!" (Y/n) said. "Fine, Fine" I said. (Y/n) came over to me and put me in between THE8 and Hoshi. "There!" she said smiling. Just then THE8 bent over and whispered in my ear, "So you know Woozi likes (Y/n) too, huh?" he said. "Oh yeah big time! When (Y/n) yelled for him to start making her grave he came over and said everyone was worried about you. Then he whispered especially me. But (Y/n) didn't hear him" I said and we both laughed a little. "Are you two gonna stop talking so we can play the game?" Wonwoo asked. "Sorry!" THE8 said. Then we started, we only had a minute to get as many heart shaped...yes heart shaped....peices of paper to the other side and get it on the plate. Thankfully I put (Y/n) in between Dino and Woozi. "Okay time starts now!" Wonwoo said and we started.

Woozi POV
'I feel like THE8 and (F/n) are up to something.' I thought. "Oh yeah! However many pieces of paper we get at the end that's how many pieces of candy I'm gonna give you." (F/n) said. "CANDY!" Everybody screamed and smiled. Now everyone was going as fast as they could to get as many pieces of papers on to the other plate as fast as they could to get tons of candy. I was just worried I would end up kissing (Y/n) by accident, which I mean I wouldn't mind but.....AWE WHO AM I KIDDING I WANT TO KISS HER IT'S JUST THAT EVERYONE IS AROUND AND I CAN'T. If I did I would probably die.... I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was (Y/n). I looked at her for a moment then took the paper but it wouldn't come off. 'What the heck?!' I thought. I tried again but it wouldn't work. I put my hands on (Y/n)'s cheeks still trying to get the stupid peice of paper off her lips. "Dude stop kissing (Y/n) I want candy and your not helping!" Joshua whined. I turned around and looked at him. "The paper isn't coming off!" I told him then turned back around again to try once more but something happened. It all happened so slow though. There. Was. No. Paper. I went wide eyed and so did (Y/n). I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do. "OMG YAS! FINALLY!" THE8 and (F/n) screamed at the same time smiling. I pulled away, my hands were shaking and I felt like I was dying (in a good way). I looked at everyone then went upstairs as fast as I could. "Woozi!" S. Coups said as I ran up the stairs. I didn't care if he was talking to me at that moment I just ran and went to my room. "That was so embarrasing..." I thought. I kept thinking about what happened, It all went in slow motion. My heart started beating faster and my face was really hot. I hide under my covers flalling. Just then I heard a knock on the door, "No one's here!" I said. "Really Woozi" It was THE8. "Why'd you run off like that?" He asked. "I thought i was gonna die and I was embarrased" I said from undernath the covers. "You like her don't ya?" He asked. I didn't say anything. "Don't ya?" he asked again but a little louder. "N-nae...." I said stuttering. "Then tell her how you feel pabo." He said. "What if she doesn't feel the same way?" I asked bluntly. "Her loss" He told me. "Just ask her one day 'kay?" he said and walked out of my room. 

(Y/n) POV

Woozi had just ran upstairs and THE8 followed him. I touched my lips in disbelief that I had just kissed my best friend. 'I-it's just a game (Y/n) it means nothing....right?' i thought to myself. Everyone kept looking at me but soon stopped when (F/n) came back with bags of candy for each of them and they went to watch TV. "(Y/n) you okay?....." (F/n) asked. "Y-yeah just thinking....that's all." I told her. She smiled. "About that kiss~" She said. "I-it was an a-accident and you k-know it (F/n)!" I said. She just smiled, "(Y/n) sometimes you can be so oblivious." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Don't you ever notice! Aish! The way he looks at you, he worries about you, he ran off blushing as soon as that kiss happened and hasn't been downstairs since!" She said shaking me. "One day you'll understand (Y/n)" She told me. "Understand what?" I asked confused. "Love." Was all she said  and walked off into the lving room with the guys. "Love?" I said quietly. I can still picture what happened in my mind. It had gone in slow motion. The paper had fallen a second after Woozi turned around but I was speechless at the moment because I knew what was gonna happen and I was shocked. "Wait..Hey! What does she mean i'm oblivious! That's not true!" I said. "Is it?" i asked myself. Just then Max barked at me. "I didn't ask your opinon Max." I said and went upstairs to my room with Max following me. I laid down on my bed thinking about the game we had just been playing. I mean the others acidentally kissed each other but they were just shocked for a moment then laughed like it was no big deal. (A/n: I didn't put that in there because it would take a really long time to descrobe everything). So why? Why was this such a big deal......"It's not like he likes me in that way anyways." I said and started to drift off to sleep. 

-Time Skip- 

I woke up to someone shaking me. "(Y/n)" It was (F/n). "I'm going home okay?" She told me. "No you don't have to. Just stay over for the night, please?" I asked. She nodded and went down stairs. "Your not sleepin' downstairs alone. I'll come with you." I said and went down to the living room with her. I brought two blankets and pillows. "Wait I have one thing to do." (F/n) said. "and what's that?" I asked. "AKINDA!" She screamed while saying it how it was said in Seventeen's song Adore U. "You watched the MV huh?" i asked. "Yes I did! They were all so cute!" She told me. I just looked at her with the -are-you-done-now- face. "Okay i'm done!" She said happily and we went to bed. "Max your taking up the whole couch." I said. He didn't move. "Ugh." i said in frustation. I decided to sleep on the floor so i had enough room to lay. Max still laid down next to me but I wasn't as squished so yay! "Thanks a lot (F/n) now you got Adore U stuck in my head and I can't fall asleep." I said complaning. "Your welcome." She said laughing. "Geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeo. Neoreul norahae u hoo Neoreul norahae u hoo. Ipsuri  mallado halmareun haeyagesseo baby. Akkyeo neol akkyeo neol hyeonggijeung nal jeongdoro. Akkinda" I sang quietly. (F/n) laughed, "hahahaha I did get it stuck in your head." she said. "Yes, yes you did." I said and soon fell asleep with Adore U stuck in my head.

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