☆ Torn ☆

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So much time has passed but it feels like yesterday
My memories are past but the harm won't fade away
I have healed so much yet I want to be bad again
I miss the rush, relief and all the pain

I am torn, torn apart between present and past
I want to get better but I want it to last
Because it's nothing you just quit
You hate it but you also love it

Because that's what an addiction does: Tear you apart
It controls your thoughts and breaks your heart
Destroys the way you see yourself, they way you live
Not letting you escape and neither forgive

Just because you quit self harming the addiction doesn't immediately end. It takes time. Even months or years after you still have to fight the urges, but it gets easier and less frequent.

I thought, "When I get to one year I will be over it". I wasn't. I thought, "When I have 18 months, my depression will be gone". It isn't.
I am better, yes, so there is hope.
But you can't expect to be fine, just because you hit a certain milestone. I cried for days after not being fine at 18 months just because I felt guilty for not being better.

I am really not great with rhymes, so most poems won't be like this one. I am happy with it though, especially the first stanza.
Hopefully someone of you likes it as well, but I mostly write for myself anyways.

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