☆ Glass Vase ☆

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Broken and hollowed out
Like some kind of glass vase
Shattered on the ground

Cuts opening up wide
Searching for myself underneath my skin
I claw out my heart and look inside

Only to realize you had already won
You took away my face
And everything behind is gone

Like some kind of personality-theft
Not knowing what you did to me
But the trauma's all that's left

I told my therapist I think I could have PTSD but don't feel like my trauma is enough to be valid. She said it is, even though I never told her details.
She also told me she's proud of my progress and thanked me for finally opening up more.
And I have my qualification to graduate and next week my finals start.
I feel like a fucking mess right now and I don't even know why.

Also I'm panicking rn because in three days I have my first final exam (of three written ones plus one oral exam). I thought it would be fine bc I've written so many exams before and for this I'm even well prepared but no, of course I have to panic again.

I'll just use this as a space to vent off topic, yesterday I went to get ice cream and two boys stopped me to ask if I were a girl or boy. First of all nice, because I didn't even really try to pass as trans masc, but when they asked again and I said "No, I'm not a girl" they started insulting me. Wtf. You're maybe 10 or 12 leave me alone.
But I think they thought I'm a feminine boy/man so I'll take it. It's just sad I only seem to pass in such situations.

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