☆ He is fine ☆

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He takes scissors to the bathroom
But he's fine, he just plans to cut his hair
He has razor blades in his drawer
But it's fine, he just wants to shave
He has a lighter in the pocket
But he's fine, it's just for borrowing

He wears a safety pin
But it's okay, it's just jewellery
He has a semicolon pin
But no worries, he's a writer
He has a butterfly on his arm
But it's fine, he just thinks it's pretty

He wears long sleeves in the summer
But maybe this is just his style
He always has a hair tie with him
But maybe it's his girlfriend's
He has bandaids on his legs
But he might have a cat, who knows

He never goes swimming
But he just dislikes the water
He always changes on the toilet
But maybe he's just insecure
He doesn't hug anyone
But why would he, he's a boy
Then again, he cries so much
But there's surely some easy explanation

Who could guess there's more to it?
Who could see the warning signs?
He's a boy and boys don't hurt
He's a boy he must be fine
Boys can't have mental problems
Boys must be strong
Boys are fine
He is fine
Sure he is
That's what he always says
And he wouldn't lie
Because good boys don't lie
So he is fine
Am I right?

This isn't about anyone in particular.
I'm just angry that people always look away, even if it's so obvious.
And that people believe men can't feel or show emotions, especially not mental illnesses.
That's all I have to say.
See the signs, take them serious and help.
Go and save the dying kids.

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