☆ Friends? ☆

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Oh, you think you found friends
You think they like you
But the truth is they just pretend

There is a second group chat
They will meet without you
They won't ever invite you to their birthday

Your friends talk behind your back
Spreading lies and rumours
Laughing about your stupidity

They don't ever want you
And if they did
Then they'd leave anyways

Your kindergarten husband left for a better one
The best friend forever, she's gone too
And the highschool "friends" never were there

It happens all the time
They lie and then they leave
And you still wonder why you have trust issues

It says "you" because that's what my thoughts tell me. It's not what I tell you (the reader).

I do have a very good friend since over 10 years and she might be the only (not related) person I never fear to take advantage of me, be fake, turn out abusive or anything like that.

I always thought I'd trust people easily and maybe I did, but I'm in a relationship for a little while now and I realized how big trust issues I have.

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