Skills: (what to do when you get urges)

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substitution: (aka: what to do instead)
Please be careful, as some of these might make it worse for you!
- draw fake wounds on your skin (be careful you’re not allergic to your marker/etc., also might trigger you even more)
- rip apart paper (maybe paint the edges red)
- get these spikey massage balls but made from metal
- smell essential oil
- when it gets really bad maybe ammonia
- put bandaids or tape on your skin and take/carefully rip them off again
- website: fatal to the flesh
- put bandages/bandaids on like you sh’ed but you actually didn’t
- eat spicy food
- cut your hair because that doesn’t hurt you
- snap a rubber band/elastic on your wrist
- do some sports
- kill some weeds in the garden/outside
- put ice cubes on your skin
- cut/burn/etc. wood
- take a cold shower
- cut paper/cardboard
- punch a pillow

- promise yourself to wait for 30min (any time that is doable but still hard)
- cuddle your pet/s
- watch clouds move
- do breathing exercises (or don’t, I start panicking haha)
- dance
- cook or bake something nice
- do a duolingo lesson
- style your hair
- solve a Rubik’s cube
- do yoga
- go on a walk
- clean your room
- put on nail polish
- watch a funny video
- watch a movie
- listen to music
- put on make-up
- hug someone
- read
- draw/paint something
- play a game/video game
- write a short story
- write peotry

dealing with your emotions:
- find out why you have urges and try to remove the reason
- look back on good moments (make a list)
- look at things you can control (make a list)
- look at things you’re grateful for (make a list)
- write down your feelings/journal
- talk to somebody (or vent in the comments)
- positive affirmations
- paint your feelings
- smile
- read a letter to yourself (write one when you are feeling better!)

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