☆ I don't want no future ☆

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How do I continue when I never thought I would?

I never pictured my future
I've had a dream job but never thought that could be real
I knew people got children but I never planned to have a family
One day I should finish school but I never imagined it

Five years ago I first wanted to die
Four years ago I wasn't supposed to survive

Until school ends it's easy
You have a structure
You just stick to the plan
Someone will always tell you what to do

When they ask about your future
You won't say "I'll be dead"
And an "I don't know" they won't accept
So you play pretend and make it up

Now it's years later
I didn't plan to still be here

School is ending
And I'm left with nothing
I'm lost, but not because there is no way
There are too many

Where do I go when I never thought I'd be here to begin with?

Idk what to say except for you'll somehow figure it out.
Now that I don't have classes anymore it's actually somewhat relaxed. I was scared of it (when I wrote this), but now I'm doing better. All I have to do is prepare for my exams, not fail them and then I'll be free. Sure, I'm still scared but what dies it change? I have to get through anyways and, oh, I will.

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