☆ Hope ☆

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Hope springs eternal
Or the German saying: Hope dies last
Doesn't that mean it's over as soon as you lose hope?

And oh,
I lost hope a long time ago
I lost hope so often
I sometimes don't even know what it felt like anymore

And when I did it was true,
I was sure it was all over
I felt dead
Because if hope dies last, I have died before

But I couldn't have lost it more than once
If it had really been over then
I had to regain hope
Just to lose it again

You don't always have hope
But when you don't
It will come back someday
You just have to wait for it

Hope is like a friend
Who isn't always there for you
But when they are
You could take on the world

I was told not to lose my hope before. It's not like I wanted to - why would I lose hope if I could just keep it? Why would I want that?
But by now I've lost it often enough to know it will come back eventually. Sometimes it just takes a tiny nice situation and everything seems nice again, sometimes it takes months or even years to get out of depression, but it is possible. I've had many depressive episodes (that no one knew of at the time) and they all ended. And now that I have help from people that understand I know that if I were to get into that dark place again, it would probably end faster.

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