☆ throwback ☆

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Back in 2017 till 2021
When Whatsapp chain letters still were a thing
Other people got all the hearts, I just got a :|
When all your friends should reply and only one person did
When irl everyone was bullying me

When I asked people what they hated most about me
If you could change one thing, what would it be?
My bullies had no answer
The only reason they had was idk
But what hurt most were my "friends" saying I was rude

What did I do wrong for my friends feel that way?
And the people hating me not even knowing why?
Why do you say I'm nice and then continue hurting me?
Why are you my friend when in reality you don't even like me?

Then again they say the opposite
It's because you're stupid and weak
It's all your fault, you started this
Just don't be the way you are

When the class split up they threw a party
I didn't dare to come
I knew they wouldn't want me there
They wrote notes to everyone, messages for the rest of our lives

I don't really know you, but you're nice
You don't belong. Just stop.
You seemed quite nice
Good luck

If you didn't know me why did you bully me?
Most of you said I was nice
But isn't nice just the polite way of saying
I don't like you at all, but I have to say something here?

Two you did it right
You, who apologized for how you treated me
You, who said it was remarkable how I still managed to prevail
At least sometimes

Yesterday I went through some old papers and found the envelope of all the little notes they wrote. I remember how at first I didn't open it when I got it. The girl who handed it over told me she was sorry. That she hoped there wouldn't be too rude comments, as some things said about me on that party were unacceptable.

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