☆ Day X ☆

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Day 150 and I'll never reset again
Day 169 and I fight so hard
Day 170 and it saves me
Day 0 and the butterflies die
Day 0 and green becomes purple again
Day 0 and it feels like everything is lost
Day 0 and the guilt numbs my pain
Day 0 and relief turns into regret
Day 0 and all the hope is lost
Day 575 and here I am, the hope is back

Day X and maybe then the urges will be gone.

The line "green becomes purple again" refers to the app I Am Sober, where you can track addictions, including self harm or custom ones (see picture above).

I don't know if that day X even exists - Yes, there are days I don't waste a single thought to self harm, but I don't know if the days I get urges will ever completley go away. But maybe they don't have to, maybe I'll be able to live a happy life anyways.
We will see.

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