☆ Jokes ☆

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You laughed.
You had fun.

Maybe for you..

it really was

just a joke.

But you didn't just
push me down the
You pushed me down a
of trauma, anxiety and

And if I had ever
jumped off a cliff or
it would have been
pushing me with your


Bullying never us a joke for the one(s) being bullied.
It doesn't matter if it's physical attacks, verbal abuse or always being ignored and excluded, it hurts. If there is any harm visible on the surface there always is so much more inside.
All they ever did to me were some bruises.
Everything else was invisible so whenever I tried to open up to someone they didn't believe or take me serious.

You can never see how broken someone really is.

Even my self harm never was "bad enough" to be serious. Even most of my physical self harm was invisible or looked like accidents. So no one noticed.

Why didn't you tell us? They ask.
I did.
I tried.
You wouldn't listen.

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