What is greed really?

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“For greed, all nature is too little.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca

When asked, ‘What is the definition of Greed?’ we’ll immediately go to our Midas’s story. We’ve always been taught since childhood that excessive desire towards money, fame, land, etc. are construed to be the traits of
greed. But, what education failed to teach us is that as children grow into adults in a world, so developed and modern, the definition of greed also undergoes up-gradation.

The obsessive compulsive nature of wanting more of any materialistic/ un-materialistic things; to obtain the next and whatever follows that next too. For example, when we get only fifty likes on a social media post, we feel
down, as we wanted more, because, it was such a good post; when we come across something that everybody’s talking about, we get the itching urge to know and keep updated so that the bliss of ignorance can be done with once
and for all, by unwanted junk feed into the brain; when we have free Wi-Fi and we absolutely have to download all the top-rated TV serials and movies on the internet because of FOMO and we don't want to stay behind in this stupid house race; when we are working so hard, but the salary that we get isn’t fair, we deserve more; when we shower a lot of affection on someone we love, and we receive only like half of that back; and many more as such.

This globalized society has successfully created an illusion that we are together with a large number of people whom are related to us, and affect our daily life. Expectation breeds greed to grow into a demon that never even struggle to gain control over our mind. It easily enters inside our clean heart and start its reign like an unbeatable king.

Greed will never give way to peace of mind and contentment in life. We can never lead a satisfied life too.

So, in order to battle against this inner negative nature, we must learn to control our thoughts and expectations. We must develop the habit of working towards achieving inner peace and satisfaction, and not for promotion, salary hike, more likes, more wealth, etc. Only then will our mind begin to understand what is actually more important for its well-being.

Never want more of things that will never reach a saturation point; instead, want things with expectation level at zero so that whatever comes our way, our mind will find reasons to get satisfied rather than asking for more.

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