Know your life!

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“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”
– Carl Rogers

We have come across enough in our lives to have learnt something out of it. It varies from human to human.

We may not be able to pinpoint what we know or what we do not know, but, we learn something from every situation we are faced with, from every single person we’ve come across.

Life is never a random arrangement of incidents to cope up with the ever-running hands of time.

It is much more than that.

Given a single life, with a forever-guessing next moment, how do we live it?
Or, is it even right to use the word ‘live’ when all we do is just breathe and try to exist merely for the sake of death to take away what once had been given to you.

Fear is actually meant to act as a strict teacher who teaches the most difficult lessons of life, which we might tend to evade or flunk if not for the teacher.

But, do we fear for the sole purpose of learning a valuable life lesson?
No. we live in fear of many things. We fear because it is easy. We fear because getting up and fight for what we want is difficult or risky.

Everyone wants to be cozy. Coziness is for the weak and downtrodden, not for people who want to make something meaningful out of their life.

Be bold and strong, because, worse come to worst, you may face failure, and that is all.
Fear of failure will not allow you to move even your little finger of your foot, forward.
Also, there’s a new trend arising.

The Fear of Nothing. Now, what in the name of all-that’s-sane-on-Eath is that? It should actually be nothing. But, this fear of nothing damages a person’s passion, motivation, love, skills, etc. happens in our mind.

The mind plays an awful trick on us by saying that it is afraid. Why? Well, there’s no answer because it is nothing. Come on, kids. Life is not a horror show.

Whenever a change comes, you get the jitters

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Whenever a change comes, you get the jitters.
Routine life is not what you were born for. Everyone is born into this planet with a purpose.
Many, and by many, ‘almost all’ is what is meant, are finished with their lives, before finding it out and serving to fulfill it. Then what becomes of the meaning of one’s life?
Mere existence and living can never become the meaning unless one wants to voluntarily become stupid and wants to believe that it is a smart idea.

We think we love our body so much, but that is an illusion. We actually hate it so much that we literally buy stuff which would eventually turn on the self-destruct mode on. We are all addicts, stalkers, seekers and a whole
new level of idiots.

We all know that we cannot defy or defer death. Then why do we fear it? Is there any valid argument other than regret (for the things missed out in life which you thought you’d do after you chase down your dreams and become successful)?

This body houses our mind and soul, without which even the name that our parents gave us will become obsolete. We would be called bodies, that’s it for the so-called journey of life. No degree behind our names, nothing! Yet, we fear death. While living, because of this fear, we die every day.

How to deal with this fear? Embrace it. Whenever we are faced with a process (however small or huge), if you know that your life is not feared by death, then you achieve great heights.

When are you at your best? Only when you’re being yourself and without nagging feelings.
Be good and always look for opportunities to learn. No one can say he knows everything.
And also, don’t assume that being good is being perfect. No one can be absolutely perfect, it is simply a myth. Everyone is made with certain flaws, that’s what makes us human and it is a wonderful thing.

Have no doubts about anything involving emotions and feelings.
Your instincts know things which science cannot explain. They may not appear all sorted out, analyzed and logically defined, yet you got to do them.

Doubting causes confusion and leads to loss of relationships too.
Never get intimidated by anything other than the enchanting nature and the pure love of a dear one.

No situation, no issue can control you if you’ve put yourself and your peace of mind in the first place.
When it comes to our life, do we all live in fulfillment? Contentment is something humans constantly fail to master.

You should always work hard and achieve greater feats in your life, but that doesn’t mean abandoning your life in the present time. Most of us are not living a life in the present that we are completely happy about.

Regretting is the only worse thing that you can ever do to yourself besides considering yourself worthless and talking down to yourself.

Take a step now, towards the life where you cannot say that, ‘This is
not what I wanted.’ Try and fail. It is a greater achievement than doing nothing and regretting later on.

Trust yourself and trust others. We fail at relationships not because of lack of love, but because of lack of trust and understanding.
Stay in a detached state of love. Never get attached to someone just because you had a lovely and memorable time with them. And, when rough times arise, do not take that to your heart either.

Be selective in investing your energy and time. Reserve them for true souls. Elevate your standards and definitions of love to a level where you feel nothing but true care and affection.

Be there for yourself always, because in reality, no one else can do that for you.
True love sets you free and gives you enough strength to turn the world around, but attachment and emotional bonding causes dependence which weakens you and your ability to deal with life.

Be a person of spontaneity and agility. Seize the day as it comes. If you want to do something, and if you can have a try at it, and if it doesn’t involve hurting other people’s feelings or disturbing them, then do it;
say it. Don’t hesitate. Lost moments are lost forever, untraceable and irretrievable.

Keep your soul pure. You were born as a baby with a soul so pure that even the very presence of it works wonders around the world. Never let yourself go. Do not live the life of someone else.

Be a crusader! Dive into your life and sip every ounce of it until you feel complete

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Be a crusader! Dive into your life and sip every ounce of it until you feel complete. Make peace with your past and make sure that it doesn’t
haunt your present and deter your future. If possible, put your past to good use of propelling you forward in your life.

You are a unique being capable of doing unbelievable things. So do not step away from beliefs, whatever they may be or however illogical they may sound, because they constitute the whole you and provide sense to
your life!

 So do not step away from beliefs, whatever they may be or however illogical they may sound, because they constitute the whole you and provide sense to 
your life!

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< - The book ends here; now, go live your life… - >

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