Social-anxiety and self-consciousness

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“Self-consciousness can destroy a performance.
Getting rid of that is always good.”
– Joe Dempsie

Our behavior in a society is solely dependent on our mentality and mind state. To be able to behave like oneself in a group filled with people can be sometimes a huge challenge. One might also get the feeling that it would be far much easier to climb Mount Kanchenjunga, which obviously is an anserine comparison.

We often tend to live dual lives: one inside our mind, where technically we have complete freedom to be as much quirky and splendid and unique as possible because, we are not afraid of anyone commenting or ridiculing or judging us for being us; and the other, outside life, where we become the ‘so-and-so’ of someone and that someone need not be closely related to us in many instances. Rarely do these to lives expose as complementary to each other. Our mind and brain struggle between these two lives.

We live among people who are unique and different in their own way

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We live among people who are unique and different in their own way.
We tend to undergo changes in our attitude and behavior when we set about ourselves to face them in day-to-day life.

Social anxiety is a disease that throbs and kills us, many a time, when we are confronted with a social situation. Adding to it is the constant feeling of oneself and the awkward and mostly irrelevant inner-arguments. It is the worst form of criticism. Why? Because we are being roasted and who does that to us, we. It is highly malignant and guess what, it is 100% effective.

Self-harm is the worst form of harm to be committed.

These two things are evil cousins born out of loneliness. They make us feel at ease with ourselves only when we are absolutely invisible to the outside world (sometimes even to ourselves). While walking on the road alone, while talking with someone without barely having any idea how to make it go on without awkward pauses and silence intervals.

Loneliness is different from being alone

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Loneliness is different from being alone. Once we get familiar with the sweeter, liberating and addictive side of being alone, it dopes us with mighty relief and freedom, makes us feel ill when with people and shun out the external world. People will look like idiots walking around a globe where dramas are taking place non-stop, and we would feel better off
without them.

Reading books, enjoying a film or a sitcom on a laptop during Saturday, gaming, browsing and music are helping us to lead a life without interaction and interference with others.
Even texting someone is a lame process of communication, involving no eye contact and the actual physical presence. It can be so lame, really!

Technological advancement has placed us under a spell from which we cannot free ourselves unless of course we figure it alone and realize the value of being with someone and in a ‘group’ of actual real life people.

A huge, highly flawed society that has uplifted “looks of beauty” to a whole new level where adulation-craving boozes our nerves and renders us wanting more and more.
Brainless people think they’re genius and take over the controls of the world, while real-intelligent ones are lost under the stomping of the world and constant criticism and the self-doubt and self-pitying from the inside.

Battling with these feelings and overcoming them requires huge and unbelievable strength and courage and especially external motivation and encouragement.

Real life battles are sometimes worthless and pointless with the people hanging about our heads. But, we are born into this world as humans and as anyone else, we have the absolute right to live as happily and carefree as others.

Realizing our worth is a very important task. Knowing about the self is also of high priority.

It also helps us to learn the various characteristics traits of our complex nature, and help us to identify our basic character. Also, to know the various attributes of character and to differentiate between the changeable ones and fixed ones.

Keeping the fixed ones as it is and grooming the changeable traits enable us to lead a more comfortable and easy life.

The problem from the inside is as important as those from the outside.

Strive hard to out with people, to deal with emotions and feelings, to be able to mix up and at the same time, stand out… most importantly to be sincere to ourselves.
Quit thinking like, “I’m a nerd, a weirdo, unfit to live with people".

Nothing kills change more than negative, degrading thoughts.

“When one sincerely desires something, the entire universe conspires
to turn it into actuality.” This is one of my most favourite quotes in life that has hope oozing from every single word in it.

Life is a short, enjoyable journey. We are up to the task of making the most of it and change it to special and unique, in our own ways, with a gifted body, soul and mind from God.
Live simple, because, life is simple, till we make it a maze of complexity ourselves.

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