Doubts are dangerous

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“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the
good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”
– William Shakespeare

Doubts kill every single positive thing in life. It has the potential of a hyperactive parasite that can suck every ounce of the positive energy that our mind possesses. It can destroy friendships, relationships, dreams... and in the longer run, even us! Tread lightly on the life-road when doubts hover the sky.

Self-doubt is vicious in nature and is capable of wreaking havoc in our mind field. It is like a giant lawn mower running wildly having no regard for anything, no sense of direction. Just the blood thirst of causing utter destruction and chaos. When doubts arise in cases involving close ones, it is the worst form of messing up something good for something blindly trivial.

Negative assumption is like Achilles heels for the mind which provides the platform for doubt to take root, grow and devour everything that it doesn’t like inside the host cell, which mostly involves things that are good for the mind. Without any concrete reason, walking along the path of doubting can only bring upon misfortune to the self and others.

Drain your glass off that poisonous potion called doubt. When you have doubts about anything in life, just take the next small step, because you might ruin your entire flight upwards by taking a big step that was decided with a baseless feel of doubt. Realities often tell a different tale if you handle the doubts with the same audacious care that you would take for dealing with a bio-hazardous vial. 

If we are to tackle the issue of negative or doubtful thoughts going on a wild rampage inside our minds, resulting in total loss of peace of mind, then we need to focus on the virtuosity of distraction. Remember that
it will not be an easy-to-achieve feat when it comes to controlling your thoughts, and in turn your mind. 

The quintessential step towards achieving it is to prudently invest major part of your thinking energy into diversification and distraction. If
you have a thought train that you feel to be a parasitic one and an adamant one at that, then you should divert your attention to some other thought train (preferably a problematic one that needs your counsel and attention
to reach a solution). Choosing the distracting train can be a little confusing task as you might feel diffident as to how it would help bring peace to you, when all you are doing is jumping from one difficult train to another.

As to addressing this qualm, you are actually diverting your focus from a negative, energy-sucking thought, which cannot be solved rationally right away (mostly these doubtful thoughts are baseless) to a more realistic,
rationally-open issues at hand like work, passion, physical troubles, etc. So, your brain would be bound to take in its hands, the trepidation behind the solvable issue to make it feel like it is taking care of something worthy, and not going in circles behind a phantom lead on some less-worthy mental

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