Dots will get connected

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“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
– Steve Jobs

‘Why did this happen to me at a precious time like now?’
‘Doesn’t a single thing go as per my plan?’ ‘What on Earth is this situation that I find myself in?’
‘How is this stupid, hurting blow going to ever help to better me?’

We have all asked these sort of questions and many more less euphemistic and uncensored questions to the unknown, whenever we face
illogical completely baseless and senseless defeats and hurts and blows from life and its situations. Can we stop right there and ask why we suddenly move away from all our positive energy and belief system, and waste them
on superficial commotion of haphazard emotions?

Just because we feel that we are unique, we are good at heart, we work really hard, we cannot demand the result of our endeavors in our favor.

We are humans, and take it or lose it, we are an erroneous species. We often fail to know what we want in our life or what we are good or our purpose here on Earth.

Whenever you are taking a step, all you are capable of seeing ahead is just that one step, and in some rare case, the person may also see the step after that

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Whenever you are taking a step, all you are capable of seeing ahead is just that one step, and in some rare case, the person may also see the step after that. But, do we even know how many flights of stairs we have to embark
a run upon? The long steps, short ones, steep ones, easier ones, flat stretches, zigzagged ones, flummoxing meshes and many more. We are kept in the dark about our own future.
Whatever that has not yet happened to you may or may not happen to you in the future, upon which you have no power of control. Our human mind is incapable of thinking in the broader and deeper perspective each and every time a new issue jumps up at our faces. Hence, the chaos.

That extremely silly fight with your close friend, that awkward speech in front of your team at a meeting; that unbelievable defeat at a competition for which you had toiled on for days and nights; that book which you wrote failed to reach even a...

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That extremely silly fight with your close friend, that awkward speech in front of your team at a meeting; that unbelievable defeat at a competition for which you had toiled on for days and nights; that book which you wrote failed to reach even a few people, making you feel crippled; that test which you flunked; that argument with your parents; that hustle with a stranger on public transport; that feeling of shame when you get punished; that unfair loss of a thing or person that you held close.

From every small thing to bigger things that ever happened to you had a purpose. You may not know what for. Sometimes you may know.
But, the thing is that everything (small or huge) happens in your life for a reason.
Everything that now seems like a haphazardly strewn out dots on a white sheet, will eventually get connected in the seemingly infinite ways possible.

Are you the same person you were say, some five years ago? No, right?

You’ve changed, you’ve evolved, you’ve been molded to become the newer-you, who is a lot better than the one in the past.

So, at that time, whenever something tragic happened or a planned thing went awry, you cribbed the same way. But, now, new problems have arisen (this is a point to remember, life never stops giving lessons), but, you
are a lot stronger, more mature and a capable person.

Did you magically become someone like that all of a sudden, on waking up one fine morning? Nope. Every little thing that you experienced has a cause.

You are a masterpiece in progress. So, instead of putting all heart into the end result, give your heart to the work. Do your duties willingly and gracefully accept the results with gratitude.

Give lots of love and be genuine about it, but, do not get yourself attached to someone or something, as it can hamper your serene mental stature

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Give lots of love and be genuine about it, but, do not get yourself attached to someone or something, as it can hamper your serene mental stature.

When you plan something, it is said that the supreme entity would laugh from above about your ideas, because, He has something more
interesting and better plans for your life coming your way, which is what you’ve been destined for.

Belief is the key to life. You may feel that you’ve lost track of your life and everything’s happening not how they’re supposed to, but remember, everything is under control. They say, ‘There’s order in chaos’. So, proceed
with life and get motivation to move on from your inner self.

Do not get ruffled up by darkness, for light comes from a source and can be sealed off. But, darkness cannot be broken. Harvest positive drive from it and be a master of life! Dots will get connected at one point of time.
It sure does.

We often wonder where our present procession of life will take us to.

We may have only questions in our hands. Directions may have become meaningless.
Yet, never will we go on a path that’s not meant for us, and, it is purely based on what we sincerely want.

Whenever the mind sincerely wants something, it is believed that, the entire universe conspires to get it to us.

Patience and belief are the two very important virtues which help us in achieving what we want. Patience prevent us from giving up on ourselves and our life; belief will make sure that everything will turn out just fine.

After ten years, if we turn back and see our lives, we would definitely have all the answers to the probing questions that surrounded our heads.
We would then understand that, everything that ever happened, had actual hidden reasons.

Let us walk with our hearts flying above as light as the wind.

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