Don't react, rather act

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“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.”
– George Bernard Shaw

Life can be defined easily as a never ending learning session which surrounds our mind, body and sucking us into it, and never budges if we want out.

Change is the only thing constant in our life.
The place that we live in; the people around us now; the work that we do now; the mindset that we possess now; even the body is not guaranteed to be with us the next day or even the next moment, to be more rational.
Life is a cascading slide show of incidents lined up till the very end.

And, we humans, are at our wits’ end as we have zero idea about what the next slide may hold in reserve.
Situations rule our world. All kinds of situations arise and we experience them with the unique set of traits (physical as well as mental) that we have been awarded with. Mostly in many people’s life, these situations will take reigns in their hands, irrespective of the magnitude of impact that they harbor, i.e. even the smallest situation can cause a mammoth of trouble inside a person and a huge incident may not even trigger a response. It depends on so many factors tangible and intangible. People are emotions-run social animals.

A gentle hearted person may get hurt by the scene of a limping puppy; 
a sensitive person may get offended by the simple form of bantering; A rugged person may lose temper quickly over a very small and silly argument; a happy-go-lucky person may ...

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A gentle hearted person may get hurt by the scene of a limping puppy;
a sensitive person may get offended by the simple form of bantering;
A rugged person may lose temper quickly over a very small and silly argument; a happy-go-lucky person may get broken by unrequited love. Everyone on this planet has his/her own story, and others do not have any clue as to what or how exactly he/she is feeling about something.

When changes occur in our day-to-day life, what is the first thing we all do? React, of course, in any way and means possible.
If it is a victory, shout out and jump in the air! If it is a tragedy, slump down and grieve in the chair! If it is a fight, throw your senses away and get involved in the ruckus! If it is a doubt, get confused and ruin inner peace! Is
reaction the right way to deal with events that arise out of the blue? If your answer is yes, then you have limited control over the goodness of your life.

There’s a beautiful saying that goes, ‘You need not attend to every argument that you’ve been invited for. Ignore and move on to make your point.’ Here, the word ‘argument’ can be replaced with anything that causes disturbances to our mind.

Never let anyone give lessons on how you should live your life. If a dear-one gives genuine advice, then it is a totally different story. Never let anyone’s words enter deep inside and wreak havoc in your life. It is just
not worth it.

It is difficult to not to react to situations as we are often controlled by them via our emotions that get triggered and manipulated by the invisible situations. Can we stop right here, and think who has the overall control?
It is first the situation, then our emotions, then at last us (our well-being).

Doesn’t it seem like an inverted ladder wherein we actually climb down to own doom? Always fix this point in your heart, situations are like viruses.
They cannot live off their own. They perish if left alone. They need a live, flawed human being capable of feeling things, to thrive. So, if you crib that situation is not right, it practically means that you’ve made the
arrangement for it to live inside you. You yourself have given it the ultimate control over your system.

Situations never hold us. It is in fact, the exact opposite of that. It is us, who are holding onto the situations, and we cry and complain that the situation is tying our hands. It is all an elaborate, sickly plotted, ever-confusing heck of a universal lie.

What can be done to free ourselves, to make us healthy and strong and virus-free? Simple

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What can be done to free ourselves, to make us healthy and strong and virus-free? Simple. We let go.
When we let go, we do not care. When we do not care, we do not react. When we do not react, we think; when we think, we act; when we act, solution solidifies; when solution is made, peace prevails; when peace settles, well… you’ve got your life back on track, so live like a pro.
Reaction is a useless thing which slackens our traversal to success. React less and act more. Clear your head first. Think of ways how you can reduce reacting to the situation at hand.
Remember, an inclined boat never battles with the waves and never meets shore. Once you feel that you’ve given up on the situation, and you believe that you are holding the reins, then start thinking and planning.

Solution becomes easy and crystal clear for a mind that is as still and clear as a lake on wind-less morning.

Be strong and love yourself

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Be strong and love yourself. Always put your joy and peace at first place and then tackle head on, the situations. You’ll be surprised how efficiently you pervade through the storms, thereafter.

Life is owned by people who know how to live it, not by those who get stomped down by it!

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