Hold onto the infinity

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“All the art of living lies
in a fine mingling
of letting go and holding on.”
– Havelock Ellis

Imagine a white snowy steep mountain side with only enough space to cover both your feet. Imagine someone of a bigger build than you holding your hands and walking you up the path. He is God.

The ‘you’ that has been mentioned is your soul, on the journey of life.

Now imagine behind you, you are holding several things. Those are your life’s entities - your body and mind, family, friends, love, job, passion, this, that and everything else.
Now, if you are at the front, God holds your hand directly and is walking you up the steep path easily. There are few obstacles on the way, but he’s got you.

Now imagine in the due course of time, you are bringing few people, certain materials and few desires in front of you. What will happen? You are making it difficult for God to grab on to you and pull you up because he’s blocked from your view and you feel your arms are struggling to hold on to his.

What do you think at this point? You think god has begun to give up on you. Your life begins to crumble and those things that you put in front of you and God, they begin to cascade upon you. You suffocate because of them crushing you.

Sometimes if you don’t realize what wrong you did till the very end, you might even get released from his safe hold and fall off the mountain into the void.

Life is exactly like walking up an uneven terrain of a mountain on which we climb to fulfill our destinies.

So, when we put ourselves in front of God and all our worldly things behind us, God will lift us up and give us enough strength in order to
control and drive upon those worldly desires which are part of our world and life that we’ve been provided with. But, when we let them walk in front of us and take control, life steers out of control. Peace and joy slowly seep out. Important things that are actually important to your soul’s health and not what you consider as important start drifting away and falling into the void. God will not let go of your hands but he cannot help you walk up with all your stupid life entities in front of you. He is faced with a dilemma when you keep on being sincerely devoted to him yet let every Tom, Dick and Harry cross over.

To help you ascertain your life and get your bearings, he might have resorted to taking drastic measures such as slowly removing those entities that you’ve let in between, which could invite your mind to ask all sorts of
questions: especially, ‘Why me?’
His job is to guide your soul up the path not all your mind’s and body’s temporary acquaintances. It’s your job. He can help you in accomplishing them and make you live your life with contentment and joy.

So, whatever you do or wherever you go, do not let anyone or anything rise in between your soul and your guiding light.

So, whatever you do or wherever you go, do not let anyone or anything rise in between your soul and your guiding light

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