Acceptance is the key

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“First, accept sadness.
Realize that without losing,
winning isn’t so great.”
– Alyssa Milano

Whenever we are faced with hardships, we start to feel that it is an unfair treatment to us, and that we deserve better. We should not have been given the troubles and faced the losses.

Life is never entirely an uphill or a downhill journey. Humans face situations which are not always under our control. The reason why the situation take control over us, is that we think we are owners of everything, which of course is not true in the least sense.

Acceptance is the first stage towards enlightenment. Accepting the very basic character of who we are and then working towards improving ourselves to the better version. The losses and difficult times make us lose control and become a slave to these emotions. Even after brooding for some
time, acceptance is the very first step that can be taken towards recovery and rejuvenation.

Every human has a past, a past that was so dark that even the mere thinking of those locked up days plunge us into a living nightmare. But, whenever life throws hardships in our way (which by the way, life has no
way of stopping till we die), those dark days and their memories could be manipulated to become a cure and way for tackling present issues that are pressing down on our hearts.

Can you say that you are exactly the same person you were like a year ago? The answer can never be yes, for any living being. Every person, every situation, every expectation, every outcome, every disappointment, every triumph, every defeat, every single day, every single emotion plays a pivotal role in molding us or in the least, changing us.

We all have been through a lot. We have come a long way. We are still living contrary to the thought that we might not survive a particular severely damaging incident in the past. We have emerged. So, the past can be used as a fuel to aid our war against newly cropping up issues and heartbreaks and confusions.
Accepting and making peace with the past helps us to move on with our daily life mounted on a heavily built attitude that can stand like a lighthouse against all storms that may come our way.

Be gentle on yourself. Simply because someone said you are not doing at par with everyone else, doesn’t necessarily mean that it can be true. You are very much aware of who you were, how you were, who you are, and how you are now.

People give suggestions and opinions only from their points of view. It cannot prove to be efficient even if that someone is a close one. Take one step at a time, when you are going through a rough weather. You are lucky to be alive and believe that there is a purpose for your life. Have hope that things will get better and good times are around the corner.

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