The believer

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“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”
– David Frost

What would happen if we start thinking like this… “I believe unconditionally that only good things surround me”?
Does it look like a clichéd thought or does it have a serious life-lesson appended to it?

To be exactly true, it becomes the mental weapon that strengthens the very soul inside us. Life can be hard; people can be tough; situations can be rough; thoughts maybe a chaos. But, there’s a psychological proof that
our way of thinking affects our day-to-day life in the large. When those thought-strings are purposefully molded into positive energy waves, and driven with belief, it can cause wonders inside our heart as well as on the
outside world.

Believing that good things happen to us can be a very difficult job when we share friendship with ‘doubts’. When you tell yourself that you
look good today, and immediately an inner voice shouts silently, doubting the statement. It asks for proof. This leads to a mangled state of mind where positive mind is slowly beaten by the negative mind. The ridiculous thing about the negative thoughts is that even when you fight hard to put up a safety wall against it from entering your mind-haven, they are capable of leaking inside without your knowledge because of the cracks called doubts.

Believe that your belief to believe without terms and conditions that good things are around and it is okay to be whatever it is that is happening right now, is not wrong. Instead, it is ideally right.

Let not your mind be caged inside the body, let it fly, let it soar high to feel the clouds and challenge its lightness. Believe in the unknown future that it holds good things for you.

Believe in the people that are around you to be good people in your life. Believe that all material and immaterial matters are all good. Above all, believe that believing is good!

 Above all, believe that believing is good!

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