The mind palace

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“You have power over your mind - not outside
events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
– Marcus Aurelius

It’s a beautiful feeling when you are simply being yourself and not trying to be someone the world desires

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It’s a beautiful feeling when you are simply being yourself and not trying to be someone the world desires. Your way of thinking, your likes and dislikes, your ideologies about life, friends and love need not be perfect in
the eyes of society, if they are fine with you.

You feel for things that others take for granted. And, you take for granted, the things that others may lose sleep upon.

The key to a happy life is learning to be comfortable in your own shoes, which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

We are in a world that never really sleeps. It watches you, stalks you, analyze you, mostly judge and ridicule you. That world not always lend an arm to lift you up from the dust. It’d rather have you felled down and get lost amid the dust, instead. In the process of living such a life, letting so many people and things inside your mind, you are single-handedly removing the stones that make up your mind palace.

Mind palace is the imaginary place where all your thoughts and memories are stored. It has its name as palace and not a bin, so you could
just trash the entire place with undesirable things. It is not healthy. Keeping your palace clean and habitable and maintaining it the same way, are as important as food for the body. Do things that can be placed as a souvenir block on the mind palace. Anything contributing otherwise should be avoided at all costs.

Never waste your time and energy on things, people and situations which you do not wish to place inside the palace.

Regretting is never a healthy habit. It kills almost every single positive feel inside you. Even if it is on an impulse, if you feel like doing it, do it. Bear in mind that you should be the first one in your priority ladder; put everything and everyone else behind you. It may sound clumsy and impractical. You know what? This stubborn world has made this huge lie.
It is sufficing if you live a life for yourself with no regrets and being a good human and learn as much as possible. The mind cannot be allowed to be tainted with ill-feelings. You are worth so much more.

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